22 September 2023
Representatives of East Kazakhstan University organized a workshop “Development of professional competence of a special teacher in improving correctional work in the secondary education system” for students of the “National Centre for Professional Development ‘Orleu’.
Specialists of the university and 27 teachers of educational institutions discussed scientific research, experimental work in pedagogy, psychology, correctional pedagogy, methodological support to specialists in the field of inclusive education and provision of expert advice.
During the workshop, head of the Center for Continuing and Inclusive Education “Dana bala” Alima Alipova talked about the opening of new innovative educational programs “Ergopedagogy” and “Early Support Pedagogy”.
– Early Support Pedagogy will work with children up to 3 years old, taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development. This is an interdisciplinary program that encompasses pedagogy, psychology, medicine, corrective intervention and many other scientific fields. An ergo-teacher can accompany both a normotypical child and a child with peculiarities. He will teach to perform everyday activities without anyone’s help, to be successful and socialized,” Alima Alipova explained to the guests of the university.
According to her, at the moment the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan is actively working on the inclusion of these professions in the classifier of pedagogical specialties.
Associate Professor Yulia Kukina and Senor Lecturer of the Department of “Psychology and Correctional Pedagogy” Kymbat Kanapyanova conducted work in groups on the theme: “The place of a special teacher in improving correctional work in the system of secondary education”.
The workshop continued with a transformational game “My Professional Attitudes”. According to the teachers, during the game they were able to discover their professional potential in a new way.
At the end of the event, the teachers were presented the unique center of Continuing and Inclusive Education “Dana Bala”. In particular, the laboratories of sensory integration, hardware psychodiagnostics and psychocorrection, speech therapy room, STEAM, chess and robotics rooms.
The guests of the university appreciated the material and technical equipment of the center: Biofeedback therapy, electroencephalography, polygraph, graphic editor “MasterGraph”, computer speech simulators “Delpha”, “Jailau” and interactive speech therapy table.