12 December 2024


On November 27, 2024 in our region was held the regional stage of the Republican Olympiad in Kazakh language and literature among students of colleges of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after K. Bitibayeva. Students of 1-2 courses from each college of the region with strong knowledge took part in the Olympiad. According to the results of the regional Olympiad student of the 2nd year of specialty “Pedagogy and Methodology of Elementary Education” of the Higher College of NPLC “Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University” Abutova Dilnaz Samalovna took the 1st place and received a ticket to the Republican stage of the Olympiad.

ІІІІ Republican Olympiad among students of colleges of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Kazakh language and literature named after the only teacher of the republican era, excellent teacher of national education of the USSR Kanipa Bitibaeva was held on December 11-12, 2024. The most talented students from all over Kazakhstan came to the Olympiad. They entered into a competition of mutual knowledge, exchanged knowledge of Kazakh language and literature. The Olympiad consisted of 3 stages. At the 1st stage the students wrote essays, at the 2-3 stage they performed written and oral tasks. According to the results of the Olympiad our student defended the honor of our region and took the 3rd place. We thank the teacher of the subject Omarieva Lunara Akylbekovna, who prepared such an educated, talented student and the staff of the Higher College! Let there be many quality students in the education of the conscious generation!