The Department of Psychology and Correctional Pedagogy hosted a comprehensive meeting of the Academic Council for Educational Programs of Psychology and Special Pedagogy. The participants discussed the logic of modeling competencies and relevant disciplines in accordance with the professional standards of 2024.
Teachers, employers, students, graduates modeled new learning outcomes and competencies in accordance with professional standards.
Dyusembinova Dinara Amangeldinova, Konekbaev Tleubergen Sakenovich, Kamitov Merhat Mergalimovich, Mukushev Mirhat Hasenovich, Tutkanbaeva Saniya Mutanovna took part in the Academic Council, Krivitskaya Svetlana Karimullaevna, Mamburova Lilia Yurievna, Smagulova Alina Nurlanovna, Kanatkyzy Zarina, Murzakhozhina Anastasia Pavlovna, Daria Dmitirevna Arkhipova, Samarkhan Alina Syngatkyzy, Amangeldinova Dilnaz Serikovna.
During the meeting were presented the results of the survey of employers “Labor functions and training of specialists”. 55% of employers gave the maximum assessment, the rest – high assessment.
In addition, the employers noted the zone of development of competencies and skills. Among them are responsibility, systematic analysis of diagnosis, diagnosis of disorders, counseling parents, teamwork, critical thinking, flexibility in working with different ages and cultures, deep understanding of interdisciplinary approaches, mastery of technique of learning tools.
Participants made suggestions for changes in the training of professionals. Among the main ideas: practical orientation, the need for extensive knowledge of types of disorders in the field of defectology, to improve methods of cooperation with parents of children with SEP, to introduce mandatory training and study of computer technologies.