17 January 2025


As part of career guidance work, Kuat Rakhimberdin, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Jurisprudence of S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University, gave a lecture on the problem of vaping among youth for 8th grade pupils of general education school No. 23 named after M. Shayakhmetov. The event was attended by 120 pupils.

Three important issues were discussed at the meeting. In particular, the harmful effect of vape on the health of adolescents, legal and social aspects of the problem, as well as the importance of choosing a healthy lifestyle and conscious attitude to their future.

The schoolchildren were also provided with information about the possibility of studying law at our university, which aroused great interest among students.

It should be noted that such events allow not only to form an informed attitude to their health among young people, but also help them to think about the future, choosing the right professional path.