20 January 2025


On the basis of S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University in the classroom of analytical chemistry conducted laboratory work for students of East Kazakhstan Regional Specialized Lyceum “BLLM-INNOVATION” for gifted children. The event was held to prepare students to participate in Olympiads and scientific projects, as well as to deepen knowledge in the field of chemistry.

The class was organized by the Department of Chemistry of the University, on the basis of which the circle “In the World of Humic Acid” operates. Under the guidance of candidate of pedagogical sciences Batima Tantybaeva schoolchildren had an opportunity to get acquainted with laboratory equipment and independently conduct a series of chemical experiments.

-The event was conducted with special attention to each pupil. Pupils actively participated in laboratory experiments, shared their opinions and asked questions,” said Batima Tantybayeva.

The event was attended by 10 pupils. The laboratory work helped children not only to prepare for the Olympiad, but also to develop skills of scientific thinking and independent work.