27 January 2025


S. Sakharieva S.G. and N.N. Radchenko, teachers of the Department of Pedagogical Education and Management of S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University, held a city seminar on “Career Guidance without Borders: New Formats of Work”.

The event gathered career counselors from the city schools and was held in an interactive format, which allowed participants not only to familiarize themselves with modern methods of work, but also to exchange experience and practical experience. Special attention was paid to career guidance technologies, including the use of digital platforms, game methods and individual counseling approaches. The participants considered examples of successful implementation of career guidance programs in the school environment and discussed the possibilities of their adaptation to the conditions of educational institutions of the city.
Particular attention was paid to the formation of students’ self-determination skills, development of their professional interests and support in choosing their future educational path.

In the course of practical exercises, the participants studied interactive methods of diagnosing students’ aptitudes and abilities, and discussed algorithms for organizing career guidance activities for different age groups.

The seminar ended with an active discussion during which the participants shared their impressions, suggestions and ideas. In the opinion of those present, such events contribute not only to the professional development of specialists, but also to the strengthening of interaction between schools and higher education institutions in preparing students to make an informed choice of profession.