Project: “DP21682148” “Competence Center for psychological and pedagogical training and methodological and technological support for children with special educational needs”
Project for commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities: “DP21682148” “Competence Center for psychological and pedagogical training and methodological and technological support for children with special educational needs“
“This project is being implemented as part of the implementation of grant financing for the commercialization of RNNTD, funded by funds from the State Institution “Committee of Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
The grant — giver is JSC “Science Foundation”
The applicant and grantee is NPLC “Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University”.
Private partner – NGO “DEMEY Rehabilitation and Correction Center”
The project manager is Yerbolatuly Dosym, Ph.D., Professor of the Department of Physics and Technology, Corresponding member of the National Academy of Engineering of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Implementation dates: 06.12.2023-12/31/2025

The project: “DP21682148” “Competence Center for psychological and pedagogical training and methodological and technological support for children with special educational needs” is carried out in the priority sector of the economy “Quality education (National project “Quality Education “Educated Nation”)” within the framework of grant financing of the most promising projects of commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities for 2023-2025 of JSC “Science Foundation” on behalf of the State Institution “Committee of Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The amount of grant financing is 100,000 thousand tenge for the entire duration of the project:
— for 2023 — 25,000 thousand tenge;
— for 2024 — 60,000 thousand tenge;
— for 2025 — 15,000 thousand tenge.
The amount of co-financing is 10,000 thousand tenge
The aim of the project is to develop comprehensive methods and technical means for the development and rehabilitation of children with special educational needs based on a scientific approach and practical work experience, taking into account age, physiological characteristics and peculiarities of the native language.
The aim of the project is to develop comprehensive methods and technical means for the development and rehabilitation of children with special educational needs based on a scientific approach and practical work experience, taking into account age, physiological characteristics and peculiarities of the native language.
As a result of the project, the following will be implemented:
Comprehensive methods, services, technical means and educational programs for special psychological and pedagogical training, correction and methodological and technological support for children, including those with special educational needs, such as:
- A comprehensive technique for studying intonation structures of the voice in Kazakh-speaking children with cochlear implant;
- Comprehensive program of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics and counseling;
- Intensive course of preparing children for school;
- The program “Vacation school”.
- A set of methodological manuals for preschool children with general speech underdevelopment and mental retardation;
- A set of teaching aids for children with stuttering;
- Speech therapy album on correction of sound reproduction;
- Comprehensive methods and services for the correction and development of children with musculoskeletal disorders (ODE);
- The program of complex speech therapy massage.
- Interactive speech therapy and training simulators;
- Transformer vertical chairs for children with disabilities;
- Transformer chairs, beds for children with ODE disorders, exoskeletons for legs;
- Professional table of a speech pathologist with electronic manuals and interactive simulators;
- Educational toys and accessories;
- A series of courses and master classes, seminars on improving the professional competencies of teachers of preschool, primary and secondary education, including those involved in inclusive education;
- Distance learning course for children with special educational needs;
- Organization of a School of psychological and pedagogical support for families of children with OOP.
The general marketing strategy of the Center being created can be formulated as the introduction of new products to the markets of East Kazakhstan region and other regions in order to meet the needs of customers (correctional centers, rehabilitation centers, special rooms, kindergartens, schools, social centers, public associations, child development centers, individual speech pathologists, parents, etc.).
Access to the developed educational platform and interactive programs will be organized through passwords and license keys.
All electronic resources and techniques are protected by copyright certificates.
Turnkey complexes will be offered to clients from other cities and districts, for example, a professional psychologist-defectologist table with programs, interactive mock-up simulators for the development of children, for organizations in Ust-Kamenogorsk, these complexes will be implemented with the conclusion of an agreement.
Competitive, affordable transformer vertical chairs, adjustable chairs and desks, beds, educational games for children with OOP will be sold to all customers, includingUst-Kamenogorsk.
Composition of the project working group:
YERBOLATULY DOSYM, Ph.D., Professor of the Department of Physics and Technology – Project Manager;
AURENOVA MADINA DAULETKANOVNA, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology and Correctional Pedagogy — specialist in commercialization;
ALIPOVA ALIMA KABDULASHIMOVNA, Head of the Center for Continuous and Inclusive Education “DANA BALA”, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Economics, Management and Finance – Chief Manager;
BAICHINOV RAUAN TOLEUKHANOVICH, Lecturer at the Department of Psychology and Correctional Pedagogy — specialist defectologist;
SALTANAT ADIKANOVA, PhD, Dean of the Higher School of IT and Natural Sciences – Lead Manager;
ZHAKUPOVA SAULE ZHENISKANOVNA, Deputy Chief Accountant, Master of Economics – Accountant