The Student Parliament
The Student Parliament
The Student Parliament, as a single body of student self–government, is a special form of initiative, independent social activity of students aimed at solving important issues of student life, developing social activity and supporting useful initiatives of student youth.
Organizational structure:
The Parliament consists of the following main departments:
- Head of the University
- Head of Higher Schools
- Student Council of Student Houses
- Chairmen of the Student Parliament of the Higher School of Economics
The activities are managed by the Chairman of the Parliament, who is the Deputy Chairman of the KDM of the University.
The Chairman of the Parliament is elected by the general meeting of university students.
The Parliament consists of representatives of each group of all departments and Higher Schools of the university, as well as the personal composition of members of Parliament. Representatives from Higher Schools are elected by the general meetings of the group's students.
The Secretary and branch coordinators are elected from the Parliament, and responsibilities are distributed among their other members.
Anastasia Krasikova
The Chairman of the Student Parliament of the University
Kusainova Tamyrys Kairatovna
Deputy Student Parliament of the University
Kusainova Tamyrys Kairatovna
Deputy Student Parliament of the University
Kopzhasarova Anel Kanatkyzy
Secretary of the Student Parliament of the University
Bakytbekova Amina Bakytbekkyzy
Chairman of the Student Parliament of the Higher School of Economics
Bakytbekova Amina Bakytbekkyzy
Chairman of the Student Parliament of the Higher School of Economics
- Phone:8 (7232) 540-821
Aleykhanov Ali Maratuly
Chairman of the Student Parliament of the Higher School of Economics
Aleykhanov Ali Maratuly
Chairman of the Student Parliament of the Higher School of Economics
Zhaksybai Asem Kanatkyzy
Chairman of the Student Parliament of the Higher School of Economics
Zhaksybai Asem Kanatkyzy
Chairman of the Student Parliament of the Higher School of Economics