University departments – Copy

Department of Academic Policy and Educational Program Management

Department for the organization of educational and methodological work

PARASAT Student Service Center

Student Office Management Department

Department of Postgraduate Education

B.Mamraev Scientific Library

Resource Center for Professional Training and Professional Development

Department of Strategy, International Cooperation and Accreditation

Career Center "Professional Upgrading"

Center for Continuing and Inclusive Education "Dana bala"

"Berel" Publishing House of East Kazakhstan University

Center of social education "Til alemi"

Department of Science and Commercialization of Scientific Projects

National Scientific Laboratory for Collective Use

Scientific Research Center "Surface Engineering and Tribology"

Scientific Research Institute "Abaytanu"

Scientific Research Center "Altaytanu"

Center of information and technical support and digitalization

Department of Remote Technologies

Planning and Economic Department

Economic Department

Department of Documentation Support and Control

Human Resources and Legal Support Management

Accounting Department

Civil Defense and Labor Protection Headquarters

Department of Government Procurement

Trade Union Committee of Teachers and Staff

Department of Educational Work and Social Issues

Psychological service

Media center "Altai jastary"

Kabanbay Batyr Military Department

Department of Academic Policy and Educational Program Management

Department of Academic Policy and Educational Program Management

Erzhan Bogdanovich Domalatov


The Department of Academic Policy and Management of Educational Programs is a structural subdivision of the university, which combines the following divisions:

– department for the organization of educational and methodological work;
– PARASAT Student Service Center:
– registration office;
– student department;
– department of remote technologies;

– department of postgraduate education.


The purpose of the department’s activities

Organization and management of educational activities for the implementation of educational programs in accordance with the state license for the right to conduct educational activities in the field of vocational education; development of a strategy for educational and methodological activities and the formation of priority directions for its development.

List of heads of structural divisions of the department:

Main task:

  • Organization and management of the educational process of the University.
  • Continuous improvement of the learning process in order to improve the quality of educational services, ensure the preparation of competitive personnel in accordance with the needs of the regional labor market.
  • Development of educational programs of the University in all types of training.
  • Ensuring full transparency of the educational process, the entire cumulative system of knowledge control.

The main activities of structural divisions

  • Organizational, analytical and informational support of educational activities of the S.Amanzholov Higher School of Economics for bachelor’s, Master’s, and doctoral degree programs.
  • . Organizational and methodological work on the preparation of documentation on the organization of the educational process. Organization of the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational System of the Republic of Kazakhstan of higher and postgraduate professional education.
  • . Control over the implementation of curricula in areas that meet the requirements of the state educational standard of higher professional education.
  • Development of the schedule of the educational process in the specialties of higher and postgraduate education, monitoring its implementation.
  • Planning and scheduling of training sessions, examination sessions, work schedules of State attestation commissions; monitoring the implementation of the schedule of training sessions.
  • Accounting for the movement of the contingent of students (transfer, expulsion, restoration, provision of academic leave, etc.).
  • Control of the work of State attestation and examination commissions. Analysis of the results and preparation of proposals based on the results of the work of the AC and the GEC.
  • Registration and issuance of diplomas of education, academic certificates, duplicate diplomas in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Monitoring the implementation of the academic load by the teaching staff, etc

Address: Ust-Kamenogorsk, ul. 30th Guards Division, 34 (academic building No. 1), office 224.

Department of Organization of Educational and Methodological Work
Department of Organization of Educational and Methodological Work

Zenura Kaisabekovna Khamitova

Head of the department

The purpose of the department for the organization of educational and methodological work is the organization and management of educational and methodological work on the implementation of educational programs in accordance with the state license for the right to conduct educational activities in the field of vocational education.


– planning, organization and improvement of the educational process at the university;

– organization and coordination of the work of higher schools, departments and other departments to ensure the educational process;

– accounting and control over the implementation of the academic load of teaching staff of departments;

– control, analysis of the educational process, the results of intermediate and final certifications of students;

– development and compilation of instructional materials aimed at improving the educational process.

– methodological support and improvement of the educational process at the university7

The main activities of the structural unit:

  • formation of a database for calculating the time budget (according to the list of subjects and disciplines assigned to departments; work curricula; the given contingent of students) and calculating the academic load on the teaching staff rate for the academic year;
  • organization and control of the development and approval of the catalog of elective disciplines for educational programs of higher professional education;
  • organization and control of the development and approval of work curricula for educational programs of higher professional education;
  • monitoring the implementation of the academic load by the teaching staff;
  • organization of sending documents to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan of students applying for a scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • organization and control over the consolidation of academic disciplines at departments;
  • control over the activities of departments for the management of theses (projects);
  • preparation of university proposals to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the candidacies of the chairmen of the AK and GEC;
  • continuous development of the University’s educational programs in all types of training;
  • organization of mutual attendance of classes, holding open classes and their discussion;
  • organization of quality monitoring of methodological support of the educational process;
  • planning, organization of expertise and recommendation for the publication of educational, teaching materials, manuals and other materials published in educational institutions;
  • generalization and dissemination of best practices in the organization and improvement of educational and methodological work;
  • organization of work on the introduction of new and improvement of existing technologies, methods, and learning tools in educational organizations;
  • examination of normative legal documents on educational and methodological work;
  • organization of the study of new curricula and development of proposals for their implementation in the educational process;
  • organization of pedagogical mentoring, assistance to novice teaching staff in the preparation and conduct of training sessions.
"PARASAT" student services center
"PARASAT" student services center

Mergul Oralbekovna Mustafina

Head of Department

The department of registration – is the structural division of the university providing the organization of process of documentation of students’ achievements and movement of the contingent, registration of students for subject matters, accounting of accumulating of quantity of the credits studying at an extent of the entire period of education.

The main tasks of the department:

1. Management of the process of registration for subject matters;
2. Forming of the academic groups and flows on the basis of the choice studying of education;;
3. The organization and accounting of progress by results of an intermediate and final assessment;
4. Calculation of the academic rating of the students;
5. Forming and saving of the academic progress records;
6. Control of filling with teachers of rating, examination and final sheets;
8. Registration and accounting of movement of the contingent of students;
9. Control of failure of studies and attendance of students;
10. Creation of accounting and analysis of classroom fund of the university;
11. Verification of students’ knowledge on the translation from other higher education institutions, restitution, assignment, provision and an exit from the academic issue, change of a surname, etc.

Main functions of the registration Department:

1. registration of students in accordance with the academic calendar, re-registration and registration for the summer semester;
2. organization of a summer semester for additional training; elimination of academic debt and differences in educational programs;
3. organization and conduct of intermediate certification of students, drawing up an academic rating of students based on its results;
4.  storing records of students ‘ academic performance, managing information about accumulated grades and credits for the entire period of study;
5. registration of individual curricula based on the application and academic certificate of students to determine the timing of academic arrears and differences in curricula;
6. registration and issuance of a transcript to students and an Appendix to the diploma (transcript) for full-time, part-time, evening graduates with the use of DЕT;;
7. calculation of the average academic performance score (GPA) for the academic year;
8. development of the academic calendar, terms of registration for academic disciplines in all forms of training;
9. making assessments in the appendices to the diploma of higher education in all forms of education;
10. support of academic mobility of students and issuing a transcript to students from other universities who arrived on academic mobility;
11. modernization of the distance learning portal;

12. operative work on revealing and completing distance courses and coursework cases evening and correspondence with the use of a DOT University, Vet and SSO forms of learning;

13. organization of improvement of business skills and General education level of employees of the Department;

14. preparation of the curriculum for full-time, part-time, evening and distance learning;

15. the preparation of the schedule of examinations in all forms of education;

16. drawing up the schedule of the summer semester in social disciplines.

Address: 30 Gvardeiskoi Divizii str.34, education building #1, offices 125 а, 131, 133 а, 135
Tel.: 8 (7232) 540-311

Student Affairs Office
Student Affairs Office

Gulnara Kairzhanovna Kalieva

Chief of the department

Department of student office work – is a structural unit of the university, the main activity of which is the accounting and control of the movement of the student contingent from the moment of enrollment to release, ensuring the organization of the documentation and management of student documentation.

The main activity of the Department of student records management:

1. Improving the forms and methods of working with documents;
2. Ensuring a unified procedure for documentation, organization of work with student documents;
3. Provision of public services;
4. Registration of students for transfer to the university archive;
5. Development of normative and methodological documents for the improvement of work;
6. Introduction of advanced technologies for processing documents based on the use of computing and organizational techniques;
7. Organization of professional development of employees of the department.

The student records management Department performs the following functions:

1. Issuing orders for the movement of students ‘ contingent;
2. Receiving, processing and maintaining personal files of students in accordance with the movement of students, their constant updating;
3. Provision of the following types of public services: – Transfer and restoration of students in higher education institutions, – Issuance of certificates to persons who have not completed higher and postgraduate education, – Granting academic leave to students in educational organizations;
4. Issuance of the temporary use of documents on education;
5. Maintaining a database of students in automated information systems-AIS, PLATONUS, etc.;

6. Formation of statistical records of the movement of the contingent in the training process in accordance with the established forms; improvement of data processing methods;

7. Reconciliation of the student body, preparation of reports on the status and movement of the student body in accordance with the established forms;

8. Providing forms of student documentation for strict accounting;

9. Accounting and registration of issuance, submission of established reports on the movement of state-issued documents on education and certificates issued to persons who have not completed their education;

10. Collection of documents of students on a paid basis, applying for the award of vacant educational grants, released in the process of obtaining higher education, during the summer and winter holidays, for the available vacant places and sending them to the MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan for decision-making;


11. Completing, filing and transferring the personal files of graduates and those who were sent for storage to the archive;

12. Maintaining military records and booking of University conscripts and conscripts.

Contact information:
30 Gvardeyskoy Divizii, 34
Building № 1 office № 204, 206;
tel: 8 (7232) 540-821

Department of Postgraduate Education
Department of Postgraduate Education

Tana Abilaykhanovna Abilaykhanova

Head of the department

Department of Postgraduate Education (hereinafter referred to as PGU) is a structural unit of the University, which coordinates the educational process of the departments in training of scientific, pedagogical and managerial staff of the highest qualification (Masters and PhD).

Goal and objectives

The main purpose of the department is the coordination and control of educational, research and practical work on educational programs of Master’s and PhD.

 The tasks of the department of postgraduate education are:

1 Control over the compliance of educational programs, included in the register of educational programs of the authorized body in the field of education, with the state compulsory standard of higher education and developed in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework and the Sectoral Qualifications Framework in the field of education;

2 Creation of conditions for the acquisition of professional knowledge in the amount that would ensure the equivalence of diplomas of master’s degree at the international labor market;

3 Assistance in the development of international cooperation programs for Master’s and PhD studies.

4 Comprehensive assistance in improving the quality of training in educational programs of Master’s and PhD doctoral programs and improving their position in the national rankings.

Main Functions

1 Organization of work on admission of students for Master and PhD Programs;

2 Providing departments with internal and external normative documents, regulating educational process according to educational programs of Master’s degree and PhD doctoral studies;

3 Organization of the activity for the development of new educational programs of Master and PhD doctoral studies and updating the content of the current educational programs in accordance with the new requirements of SOSE and labor market.

4 Coordination and control of the organization of the educational process in Master and PhD doctoral programs in accordance with the normative documents regulating the educational process:

– control over the scheduling of classes and examinations in all disciplines;

– control of attendance of master’s and doctoral students;

– drawing up an order for scholarships according to the results of examination sessions.

5 Planning and coordination of methodical work in the implementation of educational programs of postgraduate education in accordance with the state license to conduct educational activities, SOSE RK and approved by the Chairman of the Board-Rector of the University internal documents;

6 Organization and control of the internship of doctoral students and undergraduates in higher education institutions and scientific organizations, including foreign ones, to carry out work on the topics of scientific research;

7 Planning, organization and control of professional practice of master and doctoral students;

8 Exercise control over the movement of doctoral students and undergraduates (dismissed at will, for health reasons on the basis of the certificate-examination of the Medical Advisory Board, in connection with the transfer to another organization of education, for failure to implement an individual plan, for violation of the University Charter, for breach of contract conditions for the paid training.

9 Organization of professional orientation work among university graduates jointly with the graduating departments.

10 Preparation of undergraduates to pass the entrance examinations for admission to doctoral PhD program.

11 Realization of target training of specialists on the orders of organizations and enterprises;

12 Organization of re-training of Master students who graduated from the profile Masters, in order to obtain a certificate to the basic diploma.

Address: 34, 30th Guards Division St., Ust-Kamenogorsk city (training building №1), room 231

Tel.: 8 (7232) 54-01-57


Human Resources and Legal Support Management

Human Resources and Legal Support Management

Karlygash Raisova

Head of the department

The university department of Personnel and legal support is one of the structural divisions of the university administrative management. In 2020 it renamed into Personnel and legal support department

The main activities of human resources and legal support:

1. Implementation of the selection, placement of the teaching staff, administrative and managerial, training and service staff, in accordance with the current staffing table;
2. Registration of reception, moving and dismissal of university employees of all categories, according to the staffing table;
3. Realization of personal and statistical accounting of all categories of university employees in established forms, using the formation of a database on electronic media;
4. Maintenance of work on keeping the documentation in accordance with the current instructions and guidelines: documentation for the teaching staff, administrative and managerial, training and service staff of the university;
5. Provision of rights, benefits and guarantees to university employees, defined by regulatory documents;
6. Advising university staff on issues identified by job descriptions of human resources and legal support specialists.

Address:070004, Kazakhstan str. 55, Ust-Kamenogorsk 070004, office 405, 406
Tel.: 8 (7232) 24-12-79

Accounting Department

Accounting Department

Zere Kasenualiyeva

Chief accountant

The Planning and Economic Department (PED) is an independent structural unit of Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University and reports to the rector. In its work, the PED is guided by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as other decisions, resolutions, and orders of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It also adheres to regulatory and methodological documents recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, along with orders from the university and decisions of the Academic Council of the University.

Main tasks:

  • Organizing and developing a draft university development plan in collaboration with relevant departments, while determining the need for financial resources.
  • Developing prices for students’ education in all structural divisions of the university.
  • Ensuring the timely submission of reporting data to statistical agencies and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Ensuring the correct and effective use of labor and funds allocated for the maintenance of the university, in coordination with other departments.
  • Calculating the expected execution of estimates of income and expenses by type of financing, in accordance with the student body.
  • Analyzing the execution of estimates of income and expenses by cost items.
  • Developing a plan of financial and economic activities of the University in conjunction with other university departments.
  • Participating in the development of measures to improve the planning and financing system of the university.

Main functions:

  • Organizing the planning of financial and economic activities of the university, and determining the university’s financial resource needs.
  • Developing draft work plans and estimates of income and expenses of the university in collaboration with relevant departments.
  • Collaborating with the educational department, deans of faculties, and heads of departments to prepare projects on the number of teaching staff, management staff, maintenance, and educational support staff for the academic year for submission to higher authorities.
  • Preparing the tariff list of teaching staff and the staffing table of teaching staff, administrative and support staff, maintenance, and training support staff for the academic year.
  • Collaborating with the accounting department and the personnel department to prepare quarterly and annual reports on the implementation of labor plans, an annual report on the number of employees, and the distribution of all employees by position, among other financial reports, for submission to statistical and financial authorities and the Ministry.
  • Developing the cost of education in all specialties of the university, considering forecast marketing data.
  • Systematically controlling and analyzing staff units and the salary fund of teaching staff, administrative and support staff, maintenance, and training support staff in all structural divisions.
  • Controlling and analyzing the execution of estimates of income and expenses by cost items.
  • Interacting with all structural divisions, departments, and units of the university.
  • Submitting proposals for improving work related to the responsibilities outlined in this instruction for consideration by management.
  • Making necessary decisions within the framework of the Charter and other university-wide regulations, as well as taking actions if they are not within the competence of other university management bodies and do not contradict current legislation.


Address: Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan str., 55 (administrative building), room 206

Phone: 8 (7232) 25-54-10 (internal 133)


Department of Government Procurement

Department of Government Procurement

Timur Rafikovich Sabitov

Head of the department

The Public Procurement Department is a structural unit of the university and reports directly to the rector and the first Vice-rector. The department’s activities are defined by the Regulations on the Public Procurement Department.

Regulatory references:

  • The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”.
  • The charter of the University.
  • The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Public Procurement” dated December 4, 2015 No. 434
    Rules for Public Procurement (Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 648 dated December 11, 2015) and other decisions, resolutions and orders of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Goals and objectives of the department:

Timely purchase of innovative and high-tech goods, works, services necessary to ensure the functioning, as well as the performance of state functions or statutory activities of the university;
optimal and efficient spending of money used for public procurement;
openness and transparency of the public procurement process.
Department functions:

development and approval of the annual public procurement plan;
choosing the method of public procurement;
organization and conduct of public procurement of goods, works and services;
according to the results of the procurement, the conclusion of a public procurement contract with the winner;
control over the execution of concluded contracts by suppliers/contractors;
litigation and claims work with suppliers;
inclusion of suppliers in the register of unscrupulous participants in public procurement, in cases provided for by law.
Department management and its structure:

The head of the department is appointed to the position by the rector of the university. Public procurement specialists report to the Head of the Department of Public Procurement.

Department structure:

Head of the GZ Department, tel.: 25-23-08 (internal122), from 9.00-18.00 h.;
GZ specialists, tel.: 25-23-08 (inside123), from 9.00-18.00 h.;
Address: Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan str., 55 (building No. 5), room 307.
Tel.:8 (7232) 25-23-08

Planning and Economic Department

Planning and Economic Department

Bezhibayeva Saule

Head of the department

The Planning and Economic Department (PED) is an independent structural unit of Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University and reports to the rector. In its work, the PED is guided by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as other decisions, resolutions, and orders of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It also adheres to regulatory and methodological documents recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, along with orders from the university and decisions of the Academic Council of the University.

Main tasks:

  • Organizing and developing a draft university development plan in collaboration with relevant departments, while determining the need for financial resources.
  • Developing prices for students’ education in all structural divisions of the university.
  • Ensuring the timely submission of reporting data to statistical agencies and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Ensuring the correct and effective use of labor and funds allocated for the maintenance of the university, in coordination with other departments.
  • Calculating the expected execution of estimates of income and expenses by type of financing, in accordance with the student body.
  • Analyzing the execution of estimates of income and expenses by cost items.
  • Developing a plan of financial and economic activities of the University in conjunction with other university departments.
  • Participating in the development of measures to improve the planning and financing system of the university.

Main functions:

  • Organizing the planning of financial and economic activities of the university, and determining the university’s financial resource needs.
  • Developing draft work plans and estimates of income and expenses of the university in collaboration with relevant departments.
  • Collaborating with the educational department, deans of faculties, and heads of departments to prepare projects on the number of teaching staff, management staff, maintenance, and educational support staff for the academic year for submission to higher authorities.
  • Preparing the tariff list of teaching staff and the staffing table of teaching staff, administrative and support staff, maintenance, and training support staff for the academic year.
  • Collaborating with the accounting department and the personnel department to prepare quarterly and annual reports on the implementation of labor plans, an annual report on the number of employees, and the distribution of all employees by position, among other financial reports, for submission to statistical and financial authorities and the Ministry.
  • Developing the cost of education in all specialties of the university, considering forecast marketing data.
  • Systematically controlling and analyzing staff units and the salary fund of teaching staff, administrative and support staff, maintenance, and training support staff in all structural divisions.
  • Controlling and analyzing the execution of estimates of income and expenses by cost items.
  • Interacting with all structural divisions, departments, and units of the university.
  • Submitting proposals for improving work related to the responsibilities outlined in this instruction for consideration by management.
  • Making necessary decisions within the framework of the Charter and other university-wide regulations, as well as taking actions if they are not within the competence of other university management bodies and do not contradict current legislation.

Address: Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan str., 55 (administrative building), room 206

Phone: 8 (7232) 25-54-10 (internal 133)



Department of Documentation Support and Control

Department of Documentation Support and Control

Chudobayeva Assel

Head of the department

The Department of  Documentation and Legal Support was established by the order of the Rector of the University on August 10, 2010 and was renamed as the Documentation Support and Control Department on January 3, 2013 on the basis of decision made by Academic Council on December 28, 2012. (protocol №3). The department is a structural subdivision of Non-profit limited company «Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University». The structure of the department of documentation support and control includes: the office, the archive, the department for the protection of state secrets, and referents.

The main activities of Documentation Support and Control Department:

  1. Organization, management, coordination, control and implementation of works on documentation support;
  2. Perfection of document processing methods;
  3. Ensuring a unified procedure for documenting, processing documents, monitoring the implementation of documents from the Ministry of Education and Science, preparing documents for transferring to the university archives;
  4. Development and implementation of normative and methodological documents for improvement of documentation support;
  5. Reduce the workflow and the number of document forms;
  6. Introduction of advanced document processing technologies based on the use of computing and organizational techniques;
  7. Organization of employees’ professional development.

In accordance with the tasks assigned, the Documentation Support and Control Department performs the following functions:

  1. Development and implementation of the unified forms directory of university documents;
  2. Implementation of processing, registration of documents and records and reference documentation;
  3. Organization of timely consideration by the Rector of incoming documents, control over the correctness of documents provided for signing to the Rector;
  4. Development of the university affairs nomenclature, ensuring the storage of personnel file and operational use of document information;
  5. Organization of control over work with documents in structural subdivisions;
  6. Development (jointly with relevant structural subdivisions) of activities improving the forms and methods of document processing, as well as improving performance discipline;
  7. Controlling correctness of registration and formation by structural subdivisions of organization of cases to be transferred to the archive;
  8. Organization of the departmental archive;
  9. Improvement of employees’ professional skills;
  10. Provision of archival references on citizens’ applications, by request of relevant organizations and university employees.

Address: 070004, Kazakhstan str. 55, Ust-Kamenogorsk 070004, office 205

Center for Information Technology Support and Digitalization

Center for Information Technology Support and Digitalization

Balgyn Dildebay

Head of the department

The Center for Information Technology Support and Digitalization is a structural division of the university, specializing in the field of information and communication technologies and carrying out targeted activities in close cooperation with all higher schools and other structural units.

The main task of the Center for Information Technology Support and Digitalization is the phased implementation of the Smart University project, providing all university divisions with a technological platform for the informatization of educational and production processes based on a closed corporate network and modern computer multimedia systems.

The tasks of the Center for Information Technology Support and Digitalization in the areas of educational, methodological, and scientific activities include:

1. Providing information and technical services (in the field of information technology) to students, graduate students, doctoral students, faculty, and staff.
2. Designing and developing a unified system of database servers and Internet/Intranet information servers.
3. Developing and implementing a unified policy for the use of Internet access.
4. Developing and implementing an information security policy to protect the university’s information resources.
5. Participating in the formation of tasks and conducting scientific research related to the use of new information technologies.
6. Setting up and supporting AIS, Euniver, and the university’s official website –

The tasks of the Center for Information Technology Support and Digitalization in the area of production activities include:

1. Organizing the repair of computer equipment and elements of the closed corporate network.
2. Designing, creating, and developing informational university resources in the field of educational activity management, professional databases, and knowledge systems.
3. Providing information and technical support for the educational process.
4. Assessing the needs of university divisions in new information technologies, facilitating the conduct of expertise, and participating in the organization of centralized procurement of telecommunication and computer equipment, office machinery, and software.
5. Organizing a system for accounting and controlling the use of computer equipment, communication equipment, and office machinery at the university.
6. Providing consulting and information services to the structural divisions of the university on issues of informatization and the use and development of new information technologies.
7. Maintaining the equipment of the Center in working condition, constantly updating, and systematizing software.
8. Developing, installing, and supporting software for managing educational activities, organizing an electronic document management system.
9. Effectively using the available equipment, including through the provision of services for wide-format printing and other in-demand information and technical services on a self-sustaining basis (including to external customers).

The main functions include:

1. Technical and organizational-methodological support for conducting computer-based testing.
2. Organization and support of a unified domain, ensuring Internet access and traffic distribution.
3. Procurement of consumables and components, technical support for presentation events.
4. Analysis of the provision of educational activities with necessary software products, certification, and implementation of software tools and information systems in the educational process.
5. Development, implementation, and support of software for organizing and managing the educational process.
6. Support for the Automated Information System (AIS).
7. Development and support of websites and portals.
8. Management of access and support of the educational portal.
9. Organization of computer equipment repairs.
10. Maintenance of office equipment.
11. Keeping the closed corporate network operational.
12. Designing and implementing technical solutions for the use of fundamentally new and upgraded computer and projection technology in educational and scientific activities, and creating new objects of the university’s information infrastructure.
13. Information and technical support for the development and implementation of innovative projects to develop the scientific and educational infrastructure of the university, including its resource centers.

Address: Ust-Kamenogorsk, 30th Guards Division Street, 34 (Building №1), Office 239
Phone: 8 (7232) 540-316 (ext. 115)

Department of Distance Learning Technologies
Department of Distance Learning Technologies

Sarynova Zaure Tolegenovna

Head of the department

Purpose: ensuring the quality and accessibility of education through the use of modern distance learning technologies (DLT).

The main tasks of the department:

– organization of training and monitoring of educational achievements of students enrolled using DLT;

– the introduction of distance learning technologies in the educational process;

– preparation of normative documents regulating the organization of distance learning at the University;

– modernization and support of the distance learning portal, integration of the portal with the automated information system of the University;

– generating statistics on DLT;

– consulting support of the University units for the implementation of the educational process using DLT;

– interaction and exchange of experience in the field of distance learning with other educational institutions;

– administration of testing systems and other means of knowledge control in the conditions of using remote technologies;

– participation in the development, mastering and support of the operation of software, information and technical means of remote technologies;

– ensuring the identification of students through the authentication system with the final control of knowledge.

List of employees of the department:


Department of Educational Work and Social Issues

Department of Educational Work and Social Issues

Dauren Serikovich Baydrakhmanov

Head of department

The main goal of the department is to create a full-fledged socio-pedagogical educational environment at the university, conditions for the formation of students’ qualities of a well-developed socially competent personality, self-realization of the creative principle of the student’s personality.


– marketing research in order to create a database for forecasting the needs of specialists in existing and promising areas of training, monitoring the nomenclature of specialties and licensing of new specialties;

– organization, control and regulation of educational work and social issues, general management of educational work of the university’s structural divisions;

– long-term and current planning of educational work;

– monitoring the quality of specialist training;

– generalization of the experience of curators, introduction of new methods in the educational work of students;

– continuous professional development of the department’s employees in accordance with timely requirements;

– effective management of educational processes that ensure the unity of goals and directions for the development of the quality management system of educational services at the university;

– increasing the responsibility of IAD and CB employees at all levels of activity to manage the quality of the educational process, creating a favorable internal environment and a motivation system that stimulates the achievement of concrete results by all participants in the process;

– participation in the formation and maintenance of the university’s image.

Address:Ust-Kamenogorsk, 30th Guards Division str., 34 (building №. 1), office 249.

Tel./fax:8 (7232) 540-427; 8(705) 148-88-28


Psychological service
Psychological service

Kenzhebayeva Nude Ryskeldikyzy


Providing psychological support to people who find themselves in a difficult life situation, as well as those who want to get to know their strengths better, respectfully accept their characteristics and begin to perceive weaknesses as the beginning of personal development.

Consultations in a remote format are conducted by appointment. To do this, send a message to WhatsApp 8-775-828-00-40 indicating your name and group.

In offline format, come to the address: 30th Guards Division str., 34, 1st building, office 222.

Unfortunately, we can’t always share with other people what worries us, because we don’t want to make our loved ones worry or are embarrassed to ask for help.

A psychologist’s consultation is, first of all, an opportunity to talk about what a person cares about. The psychologist will always be on his side. In no case does he criticize or condemn, he tries to understand and feel everything that a person is going through. A psychologist knows that the most important thing in life is a person’s physical and psychological health.

Everything the client tells the psychologist is confidential and anonymous.

A psychologist does not give advice, because he knows that every person becomes a psychologically adult when he learns to make decisions on his own and take responsibility for his life.

A psychologist can make recommendations based on scientific knowledge and will support his client in making a decision.

Contact by phone: 8-775-828-00-40

Department of Science and Commercialization of Scientific Projects

Department of Science and Commercialization of Scientific Projects

Sharapieva Gulnur Dauletkanovna

Head of department


  1. The main goals of O&KNP activities are:

1.1 structural and managerial optimization and activation of research activities in the Company;

1.2 integration of university, academic and industrial science;

1.3 scientific and organizational support for raising the level and increasing the volume of fundamental, applied research and technical developments of the Company’s scientists;

1.4 development of scientific creativity of students;

1.5 expansion of international scientific and scientific-technical cooperation with scientific and educational institutions with the aim of entering the world system of science and education;

1.6 creating conditions for the protection of intellectual property and copyright of researchers, as well as the commercialization of scientific projects and results of intellectual activity.

  1. The main objectives of O&KNP are:

2.1 Planning and organization of scientific research work of the Society, submission for approval to the deputy. Chairman of the Board – Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Scientific Work of the thematic plan of the Company’s research work for the year;

2.2 Organization of fundamental and applied scientific research in the main areas of the Society’s activities, as well as problems of higher and postgraduate education;

2.3 Providing the necessary conditions for the development and implementation of the scientific and technical potential of the structural divisions of the Company and individual employees of the Company;

2.4 Strengthening ties for scientific and technical cooperation with domestic and foreign scientific institutions, organizations and industrial enterprises; organization of joint scientific research;

2.5 Providing scientific and technical support and services to enterprises, organizations and institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2.6 Collection and analysis of data on the results of research work of departments and laboratories, temporary creative teams and other performers of work, preparation and submission for approval to the Deputy Chairman of the Board – Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Scientific Work of an annual report on scientific work;

2.7 Providing consulting and information assistance to scientific project managers and performers on the preparation of applications, contracts, reports and other documentation;

2.8 Information and organizational support for holding annual scientific conferences and other events (round tables, seminars, etc.) in accordance with the plan for conducting scientific events of the Society, as well as the formation and preparation for publication of collections of materials and abstracts of annual scientific conferences “Amanzhol Readings”, “ Uvaliev Readings”, a conference dedicated to Zaki Akhmetov;

2.10 Providing coordination, organizational and methodological guidance to the work of the Scientific and Technical Council (STC);

2.11 Monitoring of the scientific and educational space of the Company;

2.12 Organization, management, maintenance and improvement of the system for commercialization of inventions and technologies with commercial potential – business ideas of the teaching staff, researchers and students of the Company;

2.13 Establishing contacts with public and private businesses in order to commercialize the results of scientific research and development. Development of investment memoranda and search for investors;

2.14 Development and implementation of regulatory and methodological documents to improve the commercialization system in the Company;

2.15 Creation of legal conditions to ensure competitiveness and investment attractiveness of the Company’s start-up companies;

2.16 Determination and development of the main directions of commercialization of the results of scientific and innovative activities in the Company;

2.17 Participation in shaping the development of the Company’s innovation infrastructure (small innovative companies, business incubator, startups, etc.);

2.18 Creation of favorable conditions for the commercialization of the results of intellectual activity created by individual research teams, employees and students of the Company;

2.19 Stimulating research aimed at developing new technical solutions to form the basis for the creation of start-up companies;

2.20 Development of entrepreneurial competencies, stimulation of entrepreneurship among employees and students of the Company;

2.21 Implementation of effective selection, placement and use of labor potential of personnel in accordance with their professional, business and moral qualities.



In accordance with the assigned tasks, O&KNP performs the following functions:

  1. Forecasting and promoting the development of new and promising scientific directions in the Society;
  2. Organization of implementation, information and methodological support of fundamental, search, applied and experimental design research work and the provision of scientific, scientific-technical, scientific-information, patent-licensing, consulting, expert and other services;
  3. Monitoring existing research equipment, planning and purchasing modern equipment, increasing the efficiency of its use;
  4. Organization and development of international cooperation in the field of scientific and scientific-technical activities, training of highly qualified personnel and implementation of international programs and projects;
  5. Assistance in training highly qualified personnel for scientific and scientific-pedagogical activities of the Society;
  6. Organizational and managerial work on the formation and reorganization of the main scientific directions based on the results of the analysis of the topics of budgetary and extra-budgetary research;
  7. Organization of patent and licensing activities of teaching staff and scientific employees of the Company;
  8. Organizational activities for the formation of plans for budgetary and extra-budgetary research at various levels: department plan, plan for the most important research projects of the Society;
  9. Conducting an analysis of the indicators of the Company’s research activities and ensuring the preparation of reporting documentation on the Company’s research activities;
  10. Monitoring of the Company’s accreditation indicators based on specialized databases;
  11. Scientific and organizational work on conducting intra-university scientific competitions of the Society;
  12. General guidelines for systematizing scientific publications of teaching staff and scientific staff of the Society, including in the scientific publication “Bulletin of Amanzholov University”;
  13. Scientific-methodological and scientific-organizational activities to support the work of the Company’s scientific and technical support;
  14. Creation of a project team to open a new business for the commercialization of projects;
  15. Managing the process of commercialization of business ideas, assistance in determining the optimal path to the market, as well as promoting business ideas in the field of research services;
  16. Consultation of applicants and potential partners on the conditions, forms and mechanisms for providing financing;
  17. Working with third-party experts in all areas of commercialization to provide technical, analytical and expert advice;
  18. Conducting preliminary marketing research in support of potential projects, as well as identifying and establishing contact with potential business partners;
  19. Together with scientists of the Company, research institutes, scientific centers, scientific schools, structural divisions of the Company, development and implementation of comprehensive programs of state support for scientific and innovative activities and commercialization of scientific and technical projects;
  20. Participation in organizing monitoring of the involvement of intellectual property objects and other results of scientific and technical activities of scientists, scientific laboratories and scientific schools in economic circulation;
  21. Development of action plans to enhance innovation activities, develop market relations and entrepreneurship in the innovation sphere;
  22. Preparation of the necessary materials for organizing preliminary meetings with potential buyers of intellectual property created in the Company, initiating its participation in official negotiations on the conclusion of licensing agreements and other forms of commercialization of intellectual property;
  23. Organization of work on participation in international and republican competitions in fundamental and applied scientific research, for obtaining grants, attracting investments;
  24. Providing information, consulting and other assistance to leaders of scientific projects when filing applications for grant funding competitions for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects (MES RK), grant funding for young scientists for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects (MES RK), program-targeted financing for scientific, scientific and technical programs (MES RK);
  25. Information and methodological support for small projects of students, undergraduates and young scientists for their promotion to various startup project competitions;
  26. Information, legal support and control of the activities of scientific projects (GF and PCF) and economic contractual work;
  27. Organization and implementation of licensing, certification and accreditation of structural divisions of the Company for the implementation of certain types of research, scientific, technical and analytical services in accordance with current legislation;
  28. Formation of a unified base for the developments and technologies of the Company, in demand by regional and republican industry;
  29. Organization of work on the acquisition (transfer) of rights to intellectual property, the conclusion of license agreements, assignment agreements and other agreements
  30. Organization of small innovative enterprises, including the stages of their creation and development, as well as monitoring of their activities;
  31. Development and implementation of comprehensive measures to improve the quality of scientific research and promote the successful integration of education, science and production;
  32. Organization of exhibition and advertising activities of the scientific achievements of the Company’s teaching staff.

Address: 070002,: Ust-Kamenogorsk, st. Kazakhstan, 55, educational building No. 5, room. No. 103.

Tel.: 8(7232)241328E-mail:

Scientific Research Center "Surface Engineering and Tribology"
Scientific Research Center "Surface Engineering and Tribology"

Buytkenov Dastan Bolatuly

Leading researcher

The research center “Surface Engineering and Tribology” was created on April 2, 2018 as part of a project for program-targeted financing of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic “Research and development of innovative technologies for producing wear-resistant materials for mechanical engineering products” (years of project implementation: 2018- 2020).

The research center is developing innovative technologies based on resource-saving methods of surface modification and application of protective coatings to increase the wear resistance of mechanical engineering products subject to intense wear during operation.

The mission of the Center is the development of tribology in Kazakhstan, the creation of high-tech developments in the field of surface engineering and the introduction of new developments into domestic industrial production.

Department of Strategy, International Cooperation and Accreditation

Department of Strategy, International Cooperation and Accreditation

Nigmanova Dana

Head of the Department

  • 2021 – completion of the bachelor’s degree at Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University in the Educational Program “Foreign Language: two Foreign Languages”
  • 2023 – completion of the master’s degree at Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University in the Educational Program “Foreign Language: two foreign languages”
  • Graduate of the Lane Kirkland International Program (2022-2023)
  • Internship at NAWA (National Academic Exchange Agency), Warsaw, Poland
  • Conducting a study “Peculiarities of adaptation of foreign students within the framework of the academic mobility program on the example of the Jagiellonian University”, Krakow


Goals and objectives of the department

The Department of Strategy, International Cooperation and Accreditation at the University performs a number of tasks:

  1. Coordinating of programs that include academic exchanges, internships, cultural programs and other international activities for students, teachers, staff and scientists;
  2. Providing international students, researchers, teachers with all the necessary information and support, starting with the admission process, visa support, integration into the university environment;
  3. Promoting the university on the world stage, holding events to attract international students and partners, as well as creating guiding materials and resources;
  4. Collecting and analyzing data on the implementation of international and accreditation programs, evaluating their effectiveness and providing recommendations for improving activities;
  5. Preparing the university for accreditation and monitoring compliance with the necessary accreditation standards and requirements, collecting and analyzing data to assess the quality of education.

Address, contacts

55 Kazakhstan Street, , 8 (7232) 25-05-97 (int.142)

Военная кафедра имени Кабанбай батыра

Kabanbay Batyr Military Department

Alexander Kerentsev

Chief, Lieutenant colonel of the reserve

Center for Marketing, Careers, and Employment

Center for Marketing, Careers, and Employment

Zhannelle Bolatova

The head of the center

Areas of activity of the “Professional Upgrading” Career Center:
– “Zhas Talap” preparatory courses for applicants;
– Preparatory department for international students;
– Foundation Program;
– Employment of graduates
– Serpin Headquarters
– professional development, retraining and language training of graduates of previous years.
“Professional Upgrading” Career Center:
  1. Organizes career guidance work among graduates of secondary schools and colleges (diagnostics, professional selection);
  2. Conducts preparatory courses for applicants;
  3. Ensures the preparation of long-term and current plans, the creation of a database on the marketing of educational services of the university;
  4. Develops a strategy for conducting promotional events in the media to organize a new set;
  5. Publishes information, reference and promotional materials for applicants;
  6. Provides assistance in the opening of new educational programs and training areas;
  7. Studies the opinion of consumers about the quality of educational services of the university and prepares proposals to increase their competitiveness;
  8. Liaises with educational organizations and institutions;
  9. Participates in the work of the admissions committee, consultations of applicants on admission to the university;
  10. Cooperation with social partners to assist in the employment of graduates;
  11. Compiling a database of graduates and their employment;
  12. Providing graduates with information about open vacancies in enterprises and organizations;
  13. Organization of advanced training courses, retraining of personnel, language training of graduates of previous years;
  14. Individual consultation and organization of events for planning and career development of graduates;
  15. Organization of promotional career guidance in the southern regions of the country in order to recruit a contingent under the Serpin program;
  16. Assistance in adaptation in the academic and cultural life of students within the framework of the Serpin project

Economic Department

Economic Department

Auelbayev Yerkin Maratovich


The Economic Department was created by order of the rector of the university on August 25, 2010. The department is a structural subdivision of the Republican State Enterprise at the RSE “East Kazakhstan State University named after Sarsen Amanzholov”.
Main activities:
Providing technical preparation of university facilities for conducting the educational process.
Providing educational premises, laboratories, offices, economic and cultural departments with the necessary equipment, furniture that meets the requirements of labor protection rules and regulations.
Ensuring order and proper sanitary and hygienic condition of educational buildings, dormitories, canteens, educational and sports facilities, garages, warehouses, etc.
Organization of work on the operation of buildings and maintenance of adjacent areas of the educational institution.
Organization of safe operation of motor transport facilities.
Organization of work to carry out current and major repairs of buildings and structures with the preparation of appropriate design and estimate documentation in accordance with SNiP.
Monitoring the condition of engineering networks of academic buildings and dormitories of the university and their proper operation.
Monitoring compliance with rules and regulations on labor protection and safety, creating and ensuring healthy and safe working conditions.
The university has 8 educational and laboratory buildings. The total area of the EKSU buildings is 41,974 sq.m., including the teaching and laboratory area of 23,999 sq.m.
For accommodation of nonresident students, the university has 4 dormitories with 1,750 beds with a total area of 16,915 sq.m., including a living area of 9,530 sq.m. Occupancy of hostels is 100%.
To maintain a healthy lifestyle and improve health, the university has an educational, research and production complex “Sibins”, consisting of 16 houses.
University students undergo summer practical training at the G. Vistenius-D. Pankratiev Center for Production and Production.
Address: Ust-Kamenogorsk, st. Kazakhstan, 55, room. 305
Tel.: 8 (7232) 24-13-01 ext. 110, 109

Trade Union Committee of Teachers and Staff

Trade Union Committee of Teachers and Staff

Ayaganova Nurbakhyt

Chairman of the Trade Union Committee of Teachers and staff

The Trade Union Committee of University Teachers and Staff operates in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Laws of the “Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, laws “On Education”, “On Trade Unions”, “On Social Partnership in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “On Housing Relations”, “On Public Associations” and other legislative acts, as well as the Charter of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers, the General Agreement concluded between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republican Associations of Trade Unions, Republican Associations of Employers, the industry agreement between the Ministry of Education and Science and the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the collective labor agreement with the Chairman of the Board-Rector of the Non-profit Joint-Stock Company “S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University”.

Address: Ust-Kamenogorsk, 30th Guards Division St., 34 (Building No. 1), Room 232
Phone: 8 (7232) 54-05-87 (ext. 141)

research library

research library

Nuralieva Perizat

Director of the Library

The history of the University Scientific Library begins in 1952. Today it is the largest university library in Eastern Kazakhstan with a fund of over 1 million copies, where publications of scientific, educational, fiction literature in Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages, book and digital collections, unique rare books of the 18th – 19th centuries are stored.

An electronic catalog with multifaceted information search capabilities is presented on the website

Library users have access to scientific journals in printed and electronic form, electronic textbooks, manuals, monographs; virtual reading room of the Interuniversity Electronic Library (IEL); PROJECT of the Kazakhstan National Electronic Library (KazNEB); National subscription project for the use of resources from international databases Scopus and Web of Science; EB “Epigraph”, EB “Lan”, EB “Kasipkor”, EB “PROFobrazovanie”, EB “Nash Abay”, Regional project of libraries of Ust-Kamenogorsk for corporate bibliographic processing of periodicals of the Republic of Kazakhstan, digital versions of regulatory documents and others resources.

The B. Mamraev Library, being an informational, educational and cultural center of the university, does its best to promote quality education and create optimal conditions for its users.

Structure of library service departments:

  • scientific literature subscription (educational building No. 1, room 107, tel. 540-421)
  • library of educational literature (Student House No. 3, 1st floor, t. 540-246)
  • student reading room (academic building No. 1, room 303)
  • scientific information reading room (academic building No. 1, room 229)
  • reading room for periodicals (academic building No. 1, room 101)
  • reading room of educational building No. 2
  • reading room of educational building No. 4
  • reading room of educational building No. 7
  • reading room of educational building No. 9
  • reading room of the Higher College (academic building No. 3, room 301)

Address: Ust-Kamenogorsk, st. 30th Gvardeiskoi divisii, 34 (building No. 1)

Tel.: 8 (7232) 54-04-21


"Berel" Publishing House of East Kazakhstan University

"Berel" Publishing House of East Kazakhstan University

Islyamova Sarash


– Центра высоких технологий, г. Урумчи, КНР, 2006 г.;

– Интернационального центра образования и научной информации, по программе «Психология управления и менеджмент организации», г. Дюссельдорф, Германия, 2014 г.

– ЦПК ВКГУ имени С. Аманжолова по программе Психология управления для руководящих позиции в образовательном учреждении», 2015 г.;

Издательство ВКГУ действует на основании решения Национального агентства по делам печати массовой информации от 19.04.1996 г., протокол № 2. Издательство ВКГУ является структурным подразделением университета и подчиняется всем положениям Устава ВКГУ, а также работает на принципах единоначалия и соподчинения, установленных соответствующими документами в рамках университета. В то же время, являясь производственным подразделением, издательство имеет право принятия самостоятельных решений в части взаимодействия с заказчиками на производство издательско-полиграфических услуг.

Издательство в своей работе руководствуется законодательством Республики Казахстан по вопросам печати, нормативными документами, регламентирующими издательскую деятельность, инструктивными и директивными актами вышестоящих организаций, приказами и распоряжениями ректора университета.

C 13.11.2013 г. издательство ВКГУ названо издательством «Берел» (приказ № 378-п от 26.11.2013 г.).

Основными целями деятельности издательства являются:

  • своевременное выполнение тематического плана изданий, утвержденных Министерством образования и науки РК;
  • обеспечение высокого качества готовой продукции;
  • выполнение объемов работ, достаточных для обеспечения нужд университета в учебно-методической, научной и иной необходимой полиграфической продукцией.

Для достижения перечисленных целей перед издательством стоят следующие задачи:

  • издание учебно-методической, научной и иной продукции для нужд университета и его структурных подразделений;
  • оснащение издательства современной компьютерной и полиграфической техникой, программным обеспечением и полиграфическими технологиями;
  • развитие материально-технической базы, разработка технологических приемов, формирование кадрового потенциала, способного обеспечить современное оформление, товарный вид и высокий содержательный уровень издательской продукции;
  • систематическое повышение квалификации кадрового состава, достижение взаимозаменяемости работников и внедрение более рациональных методов организации производства;
  • построение взаимоотношений со структурными подразделениями университета на основе взаимовыгодного сотрудничества для достижения общеуниверситетских целей и задач;
  • обеспечение учебного процесса и административно-хозяйственной деятельности университета необходимым количеством и качеством печатной продукции;
  • создание и поддержание имиджа университета, соответствующего уровню вуза международного значения;
  • издание учебных, методических, научных трудов университета на высоком уровне полиграфического исполнения и редакционной обработки;
  • планирование и организация работы издательства в соответствии с установленными нормативами на производственные процессы в издательской деятельности и полиграфическом производстве;
  • обеспечение надлежащего качества готовой продукции, своевременного выполнения заказов в сроки, установленные нормативами на издательско-полиграфические работы.

Перечень выполняемых работ издательства «Берел»

  1. Набор текста на компьютере.
  2. Распечатка текста.
  3. Распечатка полноцветных изображений.
  4. Редактирование текста: статьи, диссертации, монографии, дипломы, авторефераты и т.д.
  5. Сшивка тетрадей, блокнотов.
  6. Мягкий термопереплет журналов, книг, дипломных работ.
  7. Пружинный переплет.
  8. Пластиковый переплет.
  9. Бланочная продукция любого формата и дизайна.
  10. Изготовление цветных и черно-белых визиток.
  11. Изготовление цветных поздравительных открыток, приветственных адресов.
  12. Ламинирование, фольгирование.
  13. Разработка дизайнерских работ.
  14. Ксерокопирование.
  15. Издание учебных пособий, монографий.
  16. Издание научного журнала «Региональный вестник Востока».
  17. Издание международного научного журнала «Мир большого Алтая».
  18. Изготовление рекламной продукции.

Resource Center for Professional Training and Qualification Enhancement

Resource Center for Professional Training and Qualification Enhancement

Isembayeva Bakytgul


THE PURPOSE OF THE RСPAT (Resource Center for Professional and Advanced Training) is to provide educational services for advanced training in the field of education, training and retraining of engineering, pedagogical, technical and professional personnel and employees of enterprises, professional training of the population.


  • Improving the quality of professional and personal competence of specialists in the field of education, pedagogical, technical and professional personnel and employees of enterprises and the social sphere;
  • Organization of various forms of advanced training of engineering and technical workers in the field of technical and vocational education;
  • Development of programs for professional and personal development of personnel;
  • Formation of the need for self-education, self-development of personnel;
  • Organization and conduct of course training for the population;
  • Organization of pedagogical retraining;
  • Organization and conduct of additional education of students;
  • Planning, organization and monitoring of professional development of teaching staff and university staff.


  • Conducting advanced training and retraining courses;
  • Organization of training in additional educational programs for students, undergraduates and doctoral students;
  • Holding conferences, round tables, seminars, competitions for the dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience;
  • Organization of control classes at advanced training courses and examination sessions at courses on additional training and retraining of personnel provided for in working curricula;
  • Organization and conduct of advanced training of teaching staff and university staff.

Resource center for professional and advanced training

Ust-Kamenogorsk, 55 Kazakhstan str, 8 (7232) 252-284,;

Multilingual Education Center "Til Alemi"

Multilingual Education Center "Til Alemi"



Миссия Центра – призван обеспечить качественное иноязычное образование для всех желающих во всех востребованных формах – по длительности и количеству часов, по целевой предназначенности изучения языков, по глубине и полноте освоения языка, по комплектности учебных групп, по используемым методикам преподавания.

Достижение поставленной цели возможно при реализации следующих задач:

1. Совершенствование системы подготовки педагогических кадров для программ полиязычного образования;
2. Создание условий для развития языковых и межкультурных компетенций у обучающихся и преподавателей посредством реализации полиязычного образования;
3. Внедрение уровневой модели изучения языков;

Рассматривая полиязычное образование как необходимую составляющую профессиональной компетентности, Центр руководствуется следующими принципами:

1. Адекватности полиязычного образования государственным, европейским и мировым стандартам – соответствие образовательным технологиям и методикам обучения языкам, требованиям к базовым компетенциям в сфере высшего и послевузовского образования;
2. Профессиональной направленности в обучении казахскому, русскому, иностранным языкам – учет потребностей обучающихся в овладении казахским, русским, иностранным языками по специальности и профилю;
3. Учета лингвокультурологических, лингвострановедческих особенностей в обучении языкам – включение в содержание полиязычного образования, этнолингвистических компонентов для формирования у обучающихся социальных и межкультурных компетенций.

Направления и содержание деятельности Центра:

Развитие социального партнерства в области иноязычного образования
2. Организация уровневых курсов по изучению языков (казахский, русский, иностранный язык) для ППС и обучающихся;
3. Организация подготовки к экзаменам IELTS, TOEFL ITP/PBT, IBT, «Казтест» ППС и обучающихся;
4. Проведение систематического мониторинга уровня владения ППС и обучающихся казахским, русским, английским языками.
5. Экспертиза учебно-методических комплексов дисциплин, читаемых на ангийском языке, учебников и учебно-методических пособий на английском языке;
6. Изучение, адаптация опыта иноязычного образования в контексте полиязычного образования, обобщение лучшего опыта по продвижению полиязычного образования;
7. Организация мероприятий по развитию полиязычного образования (семинары, летние языковые курсы и школы и т.д.);
8. Информационное сопровождение деятельности Центра;

Адрес:г. Усть-Каменогорск, ул.Казахстан 55 (корпус №5), кабинет 103

Civil Defense and Labor Protection Headquarters

Civil Defense and Labor Protection Headquarters

Zhumazhanov Zhetpis

Chief of Staff

The main purpose of staff GD and ES to organize the work on prevention with the threat and occurrence of emergency situations of natural and technological pattern and the application of modern means of destruction.

Main tasks:

– To monitor the implementation of the calendar plan of the main activities of the University for civil defense and emergencies.
– To manage the development of a plan for civil defense and emergencies.
– To carry out constantly control of holding all actions for observance of fire safety.
– Timely report about the situation of civil defense and emergencies, fire safety and measures that have been taken by the head of civil defense.
– To bring in due time orders of the chief of GD to performers.

On monthly basis:
– To plan and organize training of civil defense and emergencies headquarters and perform the training of teaching staff.
– Timely provide reports and other reporting documents to higher authorities.
– Keep records of training of all categories of students forming GD, conduct classes, exercises and training.
– To improve the educational material base of civil defense and emergencies, to carry out activities to update it.

The main function:

With the threat of emergencies:

  • To duplicate the signal to all personnel during working hours and to the management in non-working hours.
  • To organize operational duty of the management staff at the facility.
  • To report on the activities carried out to the main authority for emergency situations.
  • Immediately ensure about the emergency alert to the management stuff.
  • To take emergency measures for the protection and evacuation of staff of the University.
  • To enact section I of the civil defense plan.

During the switching of CD to the plan evacuation:

  • Report to the head of the civil defense about the received orders of the threat, confirm receipt of the order to the higher authority.
  • To set the clock duty of managers to carry out the communications system and alert.
  • To prepare for the readiness the department of civil defense.
  • To control the issuance of personal protective equipment and other property formation of civil defense to University employees.
  • To organize a reinforced guard of the object.
  • To report to the head of civil defense and higher authority on emergency situations on the progress of activities under the civil defense plan.
  • Check the readiness of the task force calculation in the safe zone to give orders for the placement of evacuees.
  • After completion of evacuation to check the next emergency tasks and use of the units in the state management organization.
  • To organize chemical control, to evaluate the performance of personnel of the civil defense forces.
  • To take all measures to maintain discipline and order in the actions of subordinates.

Address: 30 Gvardeiskoi Divizii str. 34, education building № 1 office 428
Тел.: 8 (7232) 540-413


"Altai Jastary" Media Center

"Altai Jastary" Media Center

Yesimkhanova Flura

Acting Head

History. The media center “Altai jastary” as a structural unit was created on the basis of the press service.
The main activities of the media center “Altai jastary”:
Drawing up a media plan for the year;
Instagram Facebook, Youtube, Telegram – coverage of the activities of the S.Amanzholov VCU: filling the information and content part of the official website, creating videos, working on social networks Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Telegram;
coverage of the activities of the S.Amanzholov EKU in the city, regional and republican media;
organization of press conferences;
distribution of press releases;
monitoring of publications about the EKU in the republican, regional and city media;
monitoring of publications by specialists of Higher schools and departments;
photo and video recording of university events, creation of a media archive;
Sources of the media center “Altai jastary”
The updated website of the S. Amanzholov EKU ( ) was created in 2023. The old site was created in 2005. Today the site consists of the headings “Rector’s Blog” “Ask a question”, “Incoming”, “Serpin-2050”, “About us”, “Science and International Relations”, “Education”, “Incoming”, “EKU Life”, “Contacts”, “State symbols”, sections “News”, “Announcements”.
Social networks: Instagram ( /),
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