6 February 2024


Ivan Anikeevich Poltaranin, Honorary Professor of the All-Union State University named after S. Amanzholov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, turned 85 years old.

Ivan Poltaranin was born on January 25, 1939 in Verkh-Uba village of Shemonaikha district. He is an excellent educator of the Kazakh SSR (1987), has the title of “Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2002), was awarded honorary diplomas of the Ministry of Education of the USSR (1989) and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2003).

To the anniversary of the professor in the university was organized a conference, which was attended by the chairman of the board-rector Mukhtar Tolegen.

– Your rich history of career in S. Amanzholov EKU is a real pride of the university and the staff. For many years of work you have secured the status of a true professional, a devoted servant of education and science, an invaluable mentor for many generations. I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you all earthly blessings, good health, sincere happiness, daily vigor and longevity, – said Mukhtar Tolegen.

Also the event was attended by deputy akim of Ust-Kamenogorsk city Irina Smith, teachers of KASU Lyudmila Veremchuk and Lidia Turova, faculty and students of alma mater, contemporary colleague Lensta Aubakirova.

– We met Ivan Anikeevich in 1962. His whole career passed before me. I am happy to have such a faithful associate and friend. I congratulate you on your anniversary, – said Lensta Aubakirova, honorary professor of EKU.

At the end of the conference the birthday boy thanked the staff and guests of the university for their time and good wishes.

It should be noted that Ivan Anikeevich worked in the walls of the university for 53 years. Now his students occupy high positions in state and scientific institutions.