Educational activities

The educational activity of Non-profit limited company «Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University» is aimed at achieving a high level of quality of higher and postgraduate education that meets the needs of the regional market of educational services and corresponds to the global trends of modern education.

The main objectives of educational activities in the light of the strategic direction «Academic excellence in the region» are:

The best university teacher

The winners of the republican stage of the competition "The best university teacher"

2018 y.

Nugumanova Aliya Bagdatovna

Abylkalykova Riza Batyrkhanovna

Rakhadilov Bauyrzhan Korabaevich

2019 y.

2021 y.

Sagdoldina Zhuldyz Bolatovna

Baigereev Dosan Rakimgalievich

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