6 February 2024


Highly qualified specialists help the students of S. Amanzholov EKU to master their future profession.
For example, practical classes for students of the specialty “Life Safety and Environmental Protection” of the Department of Ecology and Geography, are held in the closest to the production format on the territory of LLP “Emergency Rescue Service “Korgan”. The expert on industrial safety of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor Valery Sedelev teaches the guys to use fire-fighting and other equipment designed to ensure their safety and the safety of others during emergencies.

According to Valery Sedelev, specialists in the field of labor protection are very much in demand in the labor market. Therefore, graduates of this specialty have practically no problems with employment.

– No organization today can do without occupational safety departments, – he noted. – They operate in the energy sector, at all industrial, mining, metallurgical, municipal and other production enterprises – these young people can go to work in any of these enterprises.

The students themselves consider their future profession to be very important, necessary in modern society and almost heroic.

– We will have to ensure the safety of people at work, that is, the protection of their life and health, – shared the 4th year student Azhar Slyamkhanova. – This is a very important mission. That is why I chose this profession.

The students also shared their plans for the future. According to them, they need to complete their studies with dignity and become good, in-demand specialists.