10 November 2023


On the basis of S. Amanzholov EKU held a national tournament on intellectual game “Togyzkumalak” among schoolchildren from 9 to 15 years old. Participants of the first large-scale tournament in the East of the country were representatives of Abay, East Kazakhstan, Almaty, Karaganda, Kyzylorda regions. In addition, participated players from Ulan and Tarbagatai districts and the city of Kostanai. The total number of participants – 120 people.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, expert of the Kazakhstan National Commission for UNESCO and ISESCO in the field of education, member of the National Committee for the protection of intangible cultural heritage of Kazakhstan, director of the International Educational Center “Molodium”, member of the Public Council of Almaty Shahgulari Vasily Vachikovich became the guest of honor of the tournament.

Note, the event was dedicated to the 120th anniversary of S. Amanzholov. In 1936 for the first time in Central Asia Sarsen Amanzholov published a book “Togyzkumalak”. The value of the work lies in the deep study of the game from the point of view of linguistics and ethnography.

According to the organizers, the two-day tournament was held on the Swiss system and consisted of seven rounds. Each schoolchildren’s game lasted 20 minutes and the blitz game lasted seven.

At the end of the games, the jury selected 24 winners of gold, silver and bronze medals, which were made by the Kazakhstan Mint of the National Bank of Kazakhstan specially for the winners of the tournament. In addition, schoolchildren were awarded with money certificates for the first place – 30 thousand tenge, for the second – 20 thousand tenge and for the third – 10 thousand tenge.