23 November 2023


Who but a practicing notary can tell students all the nuances of his working activity? After all, legal qualifications are only part of what a notary should possess. Psychologist, mediator, manager and financier – all this should be combined by an experienced specialist in the notarial sphere.
Today students of the educational program “Jurisprudence” met with Zhanna Bidelmanova, Chairman of the Territorial Notarial Chamber of VKO, who has been engaged in private notarial activity for more than 20 years. Zhanna Bidelmanova is a native of Amanzholov University, in 1993 she graduated from the Faculty of “History and Law”, and in 1995 from the Faculty of “Jurisprudence”. She began her professional path with the justice authorities, then continued as a trainee in the notary office, having passed all the stages she was fully embedded in the ranks of notaries.

– Today I tried to reveal the content of the profession itself, to explain that it is not only one law on notary, but the whole layer of civil law, land law, administrative law. And I believe that it is a wonderful tradition to invite current lawyers, because only they can share their experience from everyday working practice, – shares Zhanna Bidelmanova.

Thanks to an experienced mentor, today’s meeting helped the students to discover the essence and content of the profession. The fourth-year students learned what “sham transactions” are, the speaker shared some small notarial secrets and in general managed to interest the students in this legal area.

– We actively involve practitioners in the educational process, plus we organize additional meetings with legal practitioners who have a solid work experience, who have taken a significant place in the legal field and enjoy authority and respect. One of them is our guest – Zhanna Bidelmanova, – says Gulmira Bayerkenova, Compliance Officer of S. Amanzholov Higher School of Law.

It is worth noting that every month five or six practitioners visit the walls of the university and discuss current problems in the legal sphere.