27 November 2023


The annual Freshman Talent Competition is one of the most important events of the year for young people who have just crossed the threshold of an educational institution. It is an event of a large-scale talent show and exciting competition. On the first day of the competition the festive program was opened by the creative youth of the Higher College. The young guys have been preparing for the performance for more than two months.

– We did not prepare so much for nothing. It is many weeks of hard rehearsals. I am glad that with the support of the audience everything went perfectly. I am very impressed,” said Balausa Ablakasova, an activist of the Higher College.

Next, the audience watched an extravaganza show from the bright students of the Higher School of IT and Natural Sciences. Young people especially pleased the guests of the university with melodious vocal performances and sparkling humor of cheerful comedians.

– When I went on stage for the first time, I was completely delighted. Everything went well,” said Balausa Kurmanbekova, a student at the Higher School of IT and Natural Sciences.

The first day of the competition was rounded out by artists from the Graduate School of Pedagogy. In their performances, they drew attention to the pressing problem of domestic violence. The enthusiasts showed the audience a stage dance “Don’t be silent”.

– It turns out that on stage the attention of the audience gives a person confidence. Today I definitely got unique emotions, – says Danil Kreskin, a student of the Higher School of Pedagogy.

On the second day of the long-awaited event “Freshmen Talents-2023” activists of the Graduate School of Business and Law and the Graduate School of Humanities presented their skills. According to the freshmen, participation in the concert is one of the best decisions.

It should be noted that the gala concert, where the winner of 2023 will be announced, will be held on November 28.