27 December 2023


1.Winning the startup project competition.

Under the guidance of Associate Professor Kolosova Svetlana Fyodorovna, students of the Department of Biology defended a scientific project at the startup project competition. The theme of the work was “Development of technology of ecologically pure adsorbed bee product using drone larva homogenate”. Thus, according to the results of the commission, the third year students of the educational program “Forest Resources, Hunting and Beekeeping” Alexey Gladyshev and Daria Sabitova took the first place and were awarded with a money certificate for the total amount of 100 000 tenge.

2.Nomination “Student Leader of the Year”.

Adilet Karibay, a third-year student of the specialty “Biology – Natural Science”, won the nomination “Student Leader of the Year” for successful implementation of youth policy of East Kazakhstan region within the framework of the regional youth forum “Әdilet Kazakhstan – Adal Azamat”.

In addition, the young man became the winner of the international competition among students “The Best Student of 2023” and was awarded the appropriate badge for his contribution to the development of youth policy of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

3.Winning the competition of orators.

Marina Mukamet, a student of the Department of Biology, took the honorable second place in the contest of young orators “My word against corruption”. The girl addressed the jury members with an author’s poem about the world of anti-corruption.