9 February 2024


The students of the specialty “Preschool Education and Upbringing” of EKU consolidate their knowledge at the industrial practice in kindergartens of the regional center.

According to the teacher of the Department of Pedagogical Education and Management Kargash Atimanova, the purpose of practical training is to acquire skills, knowledge and abilities on the basics of methodical work of the teacher of preschool children. During the practice students master the conceptual foundations and programs of preschool education. In order for a young specialist, having graduated from university, was able to realize their skills in the work, only theoretical knowledge is not enough. Future teachers need real experience of interaction with children in kindergarten. Such an opportunity is given to students by the educational practice.

Our trainees already conduct full-fledged educational work with children, conducting it in a playful format. They already know the approach to each child.

– A teacher is an important and responsible profession, which I chose as a schoolgirl, – said the 3rd year student Asima Gabitova. – Here, in kindergarten “Arai”, we have an opportunity to realize in practice the theoretical knowledge received at the university.

As the director of kindergarten No. 5 “Arai” Venera Aubakirova noted, they have been cooperating with S. Amanzholov University for many years. Thanks to such cooperation they have an opportunity to select highly qualified personnel.