19 February 2024


The training seminar “Bilim alushylardyn oku jetistigin bagalau” (Assessment of learning achievements of students) was held at the S. Amanzholov ЕKU.

Practical classes for faculty of the university were conducted by senior teacher of the department of “Teaching methods of preschool and primary education” of the branch of JSC “NCPC Оrleu” Institute of Professional Development in the East Kazakhstan region Ardak Kamzina and Associate Professor of EKU Saltanat Tashkenbaeva.

As the speakers noted, the education system in our country is changing dramatically. In 2016, the so-called “criterion-based assessment” was introduced in elementary school. Revision of the evaluation system in education has become necessary to achieve modern strategic objectives in education, to raise the level of education in accordance with international standards, to develop unified requirements for the assessment of learning achievements for the objectivity of evaluation and competitiveness of graduates of Kazakhstani schools at the international level.

– Today we discussed the problems and innovations of assessment of students’ learning achievements, – said Ardak Kamzina. – We tried to reveal the effectiveness and features of these innovations in the education system.

The seminar was held in the format of discussions and debates. According to the participants of the event, the training was very interesting and, most importantly, useful. According to them, it gave them new ideas and tools to improve and enhance the educational process.