18 March 2024


At EKU named after S. Amanzholov  continues the celebration of Nauryz meiramy. Within the framework of “Kayyrymdylyk kuny”, organized by the Department of History of Kazakhstan and Social and Humanitarian Sciences, faculty and students of the university held a festive event in the Children’s Family Village of Ust-Kamenogorsk city.
The program began with congratulations of Zhanneta Kalimoldina, vice-rector on educational and social work.

– We came on behalf of the university with a festive program. All gifts, concert program is prepared for you by our students and teachers. Happy holiday to everyone! – Zhanneta Amangeldinovna addressed the children and staff of the institution.

During the holiday with a unique program there were a lot of sweets, melodious songs and exciting games. Representatives of the Department of Pedagogical Education and Management presented the children with 100 thousand tenge collected at the fair “Ұlttyқ dhamder kerueni”.
Along with the festive events, career guidance work was carried out and the achievements of the university were presented.

– We closely cooperate with EKU named after S. Amanzholov. S. Amanzholov. Many pupils of our orphanage become students of this university. I express my gratitude to the staff and management of the university, – said the director of the Children’s Village of family type Meindirul Mubarakkyzy.

The festive event ended with the presentation of gifts from EKU named after S. Amanzholov