17 April 2024


As part of the cycle of methodological seminars, the university held another training seminar on the topic “Developing a syllabus: from the quality of the syllabus to the quality of learning”. The seminar touched upon key aspects of creating and using a syllabus in the learning process.

The seminar started with the opening speech of the Head of DAPiUOP Yerzhan Domalatov. He noted the importance of the topic of this seminar and emphasized that a well-developed syllabus is the basis for successful learning and achieving the goals and learning outcomes of the discipline. Such events contribute to the professional development of teachers, exchange of experience and improvement of the quality of education.

The speaker was Gulnaz Sadykanova, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Biology. During the seminar her author’s approach of developing a syllabus was demonstrated.

During the event, the principles of using learning and teaching methods, basic learner-centered and/or competency-based approaches were discussed. For example, active learning, inquiry-based learning, problem-based learning, “flipped learning” technology and a number of other approaches.

The seminar allowed university teachers to familiarize themselves with the experience of Professor Gulnaz Sadykanova, one of the leading methodologists of the university in the development of syllabuses and their application in the educational process.

Summarizing the results Yerzhan Domalatov expressed his gratitude to all participants of the seminar for their active participation.

– I also want to thank the organizers for holding such a significant event, – he summarized. – I am sure that the knowledge and practical skills gained will help us to improve the quality of education in our institution and increase the performance of students.