25 April 2024


Associate Professor of the Kuzbass Humanitarian and Pedagogical Institute of Kemerovo State University, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation Maxim Geta started lecturing at the East Kazakhstan University S. Amanzholov.

Maxim Rostislavovich is an expert in the field of jurisprudence. He will present unique knowledge and experience in his meetings with students, master students and teachers of the University. The lectures will cover topical problems of criminal law and legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. Students and teachers have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss key aspects of legal science within the EurAsEC and the world.

Lectures by a scholar from the Russian Federation will be a valuable source of knowledge for all those interested in modern jurisprudence.

We urge all interested undergraduates, graduate students, and professors to join this unique opportunity for learning and dialog.