30 April 2024


EKU Sarsen Amanzholov hosted the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Local History Readings – 2024 Pages of History: Events and Fates”.

The purpose of the event was to deepen knowledge in the field of local lore.

The conference covered several directions within its program. In particular, such themes as East Kazakhstan: sources of researches, historiography, methodology and practice, actual questions of social-economic and cultural development of EKR: history and modernity, history of settlements of EKR and unknown pages of history of native land were considered.

– As they say, without history there is no people and without people there is no history. Therefore, this conference is of great importance for students and faculty, takes a special place in the knowledge and development of local history, – emphasized the rector of EKU Sarsen Amanzholov Mukhtar Tolegen.

The head of the university during the conference honored the university staff and a number of conference participants with awards.

Thus, breastplates “Abai Kunanbaev” were awarded to Professor of the Eurasian National University named after L. Gumilev, Dr. Sc. Zadash Orazgaliqyzy, Professor of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Dr. Sc. Khankeldy Abzhanov, Dr. Sc., Professor of the Eurasian National University named after L. Gumilev Tlegen Sadykov.

– It is a great honor for me to visit the historical land of Altai and receive such a prestigious award. I would like to wish that the local history science develops in the region, that the university flourishes and always reaches the heights, – said Professor Tlegen Sadykov.