16 May 2024

An extended pre-doctoral dissertation defense session is held.

May 22, 2024, at 14. 00 hours NPLC “East Kazakhstan University named after Sarsen Amanzholov” will be held an extended meeting of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and social and humanities disciplines to discuss the scientific research of doctoral students OP 8D02202 “History” Makhmetova Nadira Amanzholovna Nadira on the topic: “Regional features of demographic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the context of socio-cultural modernization (on the example of East Kazakhstan)” and Musaeva Elvira Abyshovna “Education and science in sovereign Kazakhstan: regional aspect”.

Scientific supervisor: Associate Professor, Candidate of Historical Sciences Aubakirova Zhanna Sakenovna.

The dissertation was carried out at the Department of History of Kazakhstan and social-humanitarian disciplines of the Higher School of Humanities of the East Kazakhstan University named after S. Amanzholov.

The research is presented in the form of a dissertation.

Language of defense – Kazakh language.

Form of conducting: online/offline

Link to connect to the videoconference in ZOOM: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/87191948331?pwd=zY862MGOkaFYyUseAHIeinP5FHCQaZ.1.

Conference ID: 871 9194 8331

Access code: 538755

Time: May 22, 2024, 14:00 hrs.

Venue: Ust-Kamenogorsk city, 34, 30th Guards Division St., 218 auditorium (Majilis Hall).