17 May 2024


Graduating students of the University and Higher College took an active part in the city-wide job fair.

During the event the work of the Branch of KSU “Labor Mobility Center EKR” of the Department of Employment Coordination and Social Programs “Career Center of Ust-Kamenogorsk city” was presented, including the work with youth.

As told the head of the Career Center “Professional Upgrading” EKR S. Amanzholova Zhannel Bolatova, the university has close cooperation on a regular basis with the Career Center of Ust-Kamenogorsk. At their invitation, students of graduating courses of the University and Higher College took part in the city-wide job fair within the framework of the state programs “Youth Internship” and “First Job”.

– Students had an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the jobs offered at the fair by the enterprises of the region in their profile, – said Zhannel Bolatova.

Law enforcement agencies, military units, construction companies, about forty employers in total offered their vacancies at the event.

According to their data, the most in-demand professions in the city are electrician, power engineer, construction specialists, cook, seamstress, military specialists, specialists in the field of technology and teachers.