23 May 2024


According to Dosym Yerbolatuly, Ph.D.-M.Sc., Professor of the Department of Physics and Technology at EKU S. Amanzholov, within the framework of the commercialization project, the performers developed additional accessories – furniture for children, including for children with special educational needs. Earlier they developed a verticalizer, now they offer a set of furniture for children of preschool and school age. This set includes a desk-table “Rastishka”, as well as an adjustable chair for children with special educational needs.

– The Rastishka desk allows the table top to be tilted at any angle,” explained Dosym Yerbolatuly. – The height of the desk is also adjustable. That is, as the child grows, the table grows with him.

According to the professor, the adjustable chair also has a wide range of settings. Depending on the size of the child, you can adjust the width, height. The chair has fasteners, which allows you to fix the child. Its settings are tied to the size of the table.

– We also present the desk-table “Book”, – shared the innovator. – The uniqueness of the desk is that it has two folding tabletops and is convenient in terms of mobility and compactness. Inside, there is a compartment under the base to accommodate two nightstands. The desk-table can be used in children’s institutions, kindergartens, schools, as, the top part is removed, and it turns into a small table. You can use them until adolescence.

A set of furniture for the customer can be made within one day, taking into account the size, color and even design. Its cost is 3-4 times lower than foreign analogs.

It is worth noting that the uniqueness of the children’s furniture developed by EKU scientists is confirmed by a patent.