30 May 2024


Students of the university prepared a rich and interesting program for children.

According to Dauren Baidrakhmanov, Head of the Department of Educational Work and Social Issues of EKU, this action has become a good tradition at the university and is held annually.

– Today we organized a holiday for children of university employees, timed to the Children’s Day, – he said. – We have prepared for them concert numbers, various contests, quests and many gifts, tried to raise children’s spirits. From the bottom of my heart I congratulate everyone on this wonderful holiday.

Children of the younger and middle preschool age with fairy-tale characters played musical games, performed various movements under cheerful mischievous music. They diligently repeated after the animators different animal sounds from the songs and their movements.

– I liked to see the children happy, joyful, carefree and friendly, there is a sunny atmosphere, – said the 1st year student of EKU S. Amanzholov Aruzhan Marat.

The program of the holiday included games “Dragon’s Tail”, “Merry Steam Train”, “Sailing Boat” “Ball and Ring” and other fun contests and quests.

– They prepared a fun holiday for us, I really liked it here, I was charged with positive emotions, thank you very much to the organizers, – seven-year-old Aisha Keneskhan shared her impressions.

It should be noted that for some students the event had a practice-oriented goal – to form professional competencies of future educators in the field of organizing cultural and leisure activities of preschool children in the summer period.