8 June 2024


The second section of the meeting of the Training and Methodological Association was devoted to the training of special educators, rehabilitation science and a relatively new direction in inclusion – ergopedagogy.

In the course of the session, Zulfiya Movkebayeva, research professor of Abai KazNPU, in her report on inclusion-oriented training of special educators, highlighted four main difficulties of the present time. Among them are lack of inclusive competence, difficulties in working with children in mainstream schools, lack of necessary equipment and materials, and society’s attitude towards special children. According to the speaker, society is not always ready to accept and support special children.

To solve the existing problems, Zulfiya Movkebayeva suggested ensuring deep immersion in practical activities, increasing the share of inclusion-oriented educational disciplines and diverse, but taking into account the Kazakhstani realities, educational and methodological support.

Head of the Department of Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine of KazNMU named after S. Asfendiyarov Zhanar Andasova told about training of specialists in pediatric rehabilitation.

-We see the need to introduce the medical aspect into personnel training. It is important that university graduates realize what kind of children they are working with and how to concretely interact with them from the point of view of medicine. In general, medical rehabilitation is a set of activities. These include physical medicine and rehabilitation, kinesiotherapy, hydrokinesotherapy, drug therapy, biofeedback therapy, physiotherapy, etc.,” Andasova explained.

In addition, Galiya Abayeva, director of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of KazNPU named after Abay, spoke about ASD and Altyn Chinybaeva, head of the neurology department of the regional mental health center, about the importance of early intervention.

At the end of the section, Svetlana Stelmakh, Professor of the Department of Psychology and Correctional Pedagogy at EKU, presented to the participants the innovative educational programs of her alma mater – “Ergopedagogy” and “Early Support Pedagogy”.

-EP “Early Support Pedagogy” is developed within the framework of the project “Modernization of Pedagogical Education” initiated by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Our graduates will help an infant from 0 to 3 years old to develop along the most optimal trajectory, taking into account the peculiarities of its psychophysical development. As for ergopedagogy, it is an interdisciplinary program that includes pedagogy, psychology, medicine, corrective action and many other scientific areas. Graduates with such education can accompany a child with locomotor disorders, teach him/her to perform his/her daily activities without assistance, – Svetlana Aleksandrovna informed.