7 June 2024


A master class “Strategy of university promotion in world rankings” was held at S. Amanzholov EKU. The event was conducted by Mukhambetkali Burkitbayev, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Vice-President of the European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education Programs (ENAEE).

The main purpose of the event is to attract higher education institutions of the country to participate in world rankings, to increase the importance of scientific research, as well as to increase the efficiency of work and develop the status of each university. The master class was attended by the management and faculty of the university, students.

As noted by the professor, global competitiveness ratings allow to take into account the specifics of universities, confirming the fact that the Kazakhstani system of higher education has competencies of international level in specific branches of science.

– Today I want to share with you my experience on the strategy of promotion of the university in the world ratings, – Mukhambetkali Burkitbayev addressed the audience. – I want to say that compiling ratings generates the development of competition and differentiation between universities, which can contribute to improving the quality of education in them.

Also, according to the expert, the ratings allow to ensure global recognition of the university, attraction of new partners and sources of funding to the educational institutions that got into the top groups, including an increase in public funding to strengthen the position in the ratings.

– At the same time, EKU S. Amanzholov has good opportunities to occupy significant positions in QS ratings, – the scientist gave his assessment. – Here I saw modern laboratories, good material and technical equipment, and most importantly, young people here want to do science.

In the second part of the event there was an open online lecture on the topic “Strategy of working with scientific information from reading to creating scientific texts” by Mark Akoyev, the head of the UrFU Laboratory of Scientific Metrics, an expert of the World Bank. The software engineer of UrFU told about the history of the emergence and development of scientometrics, described the practice of using scientometrics to assess scientific activity in the Russian Federation.

In his report he revealed the concept of “scientometrics” and the peculiarities of working with scientific texts, as well as the difficulties that arise in the process of reading texts of this type. Mark Akoev also spoke about modern research in this area.

At the end of the meeting, the participants asked a lot of questions to the speakers on the given topics and received comprehensive answers.