26 July 2024


Amanzholov University pays great attention not only to the academic education of students, but also to the education of moral guidelines. Educational work at the university is highlighted as one of the priority areas of activity and is an integral part of the process of training future specialists.

Since the beginning of the academic year more than 50 events have been held on the basis of the university. According to students, it has a positive impact on the development of their moral values.
Cycles of lectures on the basics of financial and digital literacy were organized. The operative commissioner for especially important cases of the Department of Economic Investigations for East Kazakhstan region told about the need to improve financial literacy, types of financial security, financial frauds. The operative commissioner for especially important cases of the Department of Economic Investigations for East Kazakhstan region told about new cyber threats in the era of big data and ways of legal protection. Targeted preventive work is carried out on the basis of the “Program on prevention of HIV infections in students”, “Program on prevention and prevention of delinquency in students”, “Program on prevention of tobacco smoking, drug and alcohol addiction in students”.

Student self-governance in the university is an element of the educational process that allows students to participate in the management of the university and organization of their life activities. Bodies of student self-government include: Youth Affairs Committee, Student Parliament at Higher Schools, “Zhastar Rukhy”, debate club “Dilmar”, intellectual club “Parasat”, creative club “Shamshyrak”, women’s club “Korkem”, funny and resourceful club “Zhana Oskemen”, volunteer club “Meyirim”, chess club “Akbozat”, club “Sanaly urpak”, and student theater “Shabyt”. Weekly meetings with the leaders of student opinion are held, where ideas and proposals aimed at improving social and living conditions are discussed.

The system of educational work in the university, which has a clear organizational and management structure, material and technical base, funding and support from the management demonstrate an extremely positive effect.