11 October 2024


Representatives of JSC ‘Financial Centre’ held an informational and explanatory meeting with graduates, masters and doctoral students of  S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University on key aspects of working on educational grants.

Within the framework of the meeting the specialist of JSC ‘Financial Centre’ Akzira Serikkali informed the students about their obligations and focused on the work implemented through the eGov portal.

According to her, graduates of pedagogical and medical specialities, as well as those studying under the rural quota should work on the grants within three years. Students undergoing the “Serpin” programme are required to work for two years. The regions for employment under this programme include Akmola, Karaganda, Abay, Ulytau, Kostanay, Pavlodar, NKR and EKR. The working period is calculated from the date of conclusion of the labour contract.

– I would like to note that notifications are sent through the eGov application, a unified system of storing information on the places of work of graduates is working. Also, every year we contact and receive up-to-date information from the department of career centre of S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University, – said the specialist of JSC ‘Financial Centre’ Akzira Serikkali.

– The university annually holds meetings with young professionals and informs them. In addition, during the year the career centre closely interacts with graduates, conducts individual explanatory work and sends them to employment centres,’ said Zhannel Bolatova, head of the Professional Upgrading Centre of S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University.

It should be noted that there is a list of conditions under which it is possible to be exempted from working off the grant. Among them are pregnancy, presence of children up to three years old, disability of I or II group, enrolment in master’s, residency or doctoral studies on a grant basis.

At the end of the event, the students received answers to their questions on working off state grants from a representative of JSC ‘Financial Centre’.