29 September 2023


Non profit Limited company “Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University” invites you to participate in the international scientific-practical conference “Amanzholov Readings-2023” on the theme “Transformation of education and science – a key factor in improving the quality of human capital” dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Sarsen Amanzholov on November 3, 2023.

The main directions of the conference work:

Philology – research of problems of linguistics, history and theory of literature
Spiritual and moral education of modern youth
Economic and legal aspects of development of Kazakhstan in modern conditions of integration processes
Scientific and pedagogical bases of formation of consciousness of multicultural youth and influence of social networks and mass media.
Natural sciences research in the modern world – experience, problems and prospects




Scientists, teachers, professors, university students and school teachers are invited to participate in the conference.

Working languages of the conference: Kazakh, Russian, English.

Those wishing to take part in the work of the conference are kindly requested to submit to the organizing committee by October 20, 2023 by e-mail konfervkgu2019@mail.ru:

application for participation on the attached Google Form


an article prepared according to the requirements below;
copy of the document confirming the payment of the organizational fee.

Time and venue

The plenary session will be held on November 3, 2023 at 11.00 a.m. in offline and online mode in the conference hall “Shygys Rukhaniyaty” at the address: 55, Kazakhstan Street, Ust-Kamenogorsk, EKR.

Conference ID: 898 6835 5431

Access code: 783775

Responsible for the conference:

Department of innovative development and commercialization of NAO “VKU named after S.Amanzholov”, Ust-Kamenogorsk city, 55, Kazakhstan street, auditorium 407.

For additional questions

8 (7232) 241- 328, WhatsApp 8 747 718 18 48 – Kadylova Aigerim Manatkyzy – specialist of the department of science and commercialization of scientific projects.




Requirements for the design of the article:

Materials typed on a computer with illustrations of no more than 5-6 pages, on sheets of A4 format (210-297 mm) and in electronic form and together with a copy of the receipt of payment of the organizing committee send to the e-mail address konfervkgu2019@mail.ru. The file name should contain the surname of the first author, the abbreviated name of the organization and the title of the document, for example: Kasymov_ENU_article, Kasymov_ENU_payment. The text is typed in Microsoft Word using Times New Roman letters with width alignment, keeping the size of the main text – 14 pins, 1.0 interval, 1.25 cm paragraph. The text with illustrations should be in the following format: left edge – 20 mm, right edge – 20 mm, upper and lower edges – 25 mm. Images should be of high quality and aligned in the center of the page. Inscriptions under figures and formulas: in the center (center), font size – 12.

In the left part of the page – UDC, under it through one line in capital letters – surname and initials of the authors, in the next line in lower case letters – the name of the institution and the city where the work was done, through one line, in the center – in capital letters – the title of the report, then, leaving one line to place the text of the report.

Materials of the report should be fully edited in accordance with the requirements. The author is responsible for the content of the paper. Materials sent later than the specified deadline and not meeting the requirements will not be considered. The Conference Organizing Committee has the right to select the materials submitted for printing.

Sample article formatting



1Author*, 2Author

Scientific supervisor: full name, academic title, degree




1 East Kazakhstan University named after S.Amanzholov, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Russia. S.Amanzholov, Ust-Kamenogorsk city, Kazakhstan

2University, city, country



Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text




Figure 1- Title of the figure

List of references

*Underline author-reporter


Payment fee and bank details
Organizational fee in electronic format 2500 tenge (for one article and certificate for participation). The organizational fee should be transferred to the account with bank details with the obligatory entry “For participation in the conference Amanzholov Readings-2023”: VCF JSC “Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan”, RNN 181800014976; IIC KZ986 017 151 000 000 062, BIK HSBKKZKX, BIN 990240007414, KBE 16: NAO “S. Amanzholov EKU”.




at the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Amanzholov Readings-2023”

Full name of the author(s)
Position, academic degree, academic title
Place of work (full name)
Title of the article
Number and name of the section
Form of participation (offline / online)
Contact phone number (mobile / landline)