15 September 2023


The First Deputy Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Combating Corruption, Dmitry Malakhov, visited S. Amanzholov University. The purpose of the visit was to familiarize with anti-corruption activities in the university and an explanatory conversation with students. The meeting was attended by members of the Public Council established under the Anti-Corruption Service.


The event started with the presentation of the sculptural composition “Taza kol”. The object is presented on the basis of the university in 2021 as a symbol of integrity and honesty.


Next, Dilnaz Marat, a student of the educational program “Law” and a member of the student club “Sanaly Urpaq” demonstrated the portal for students of the university. It allows you to keep track of your academic progress, schedule, choose a teacher and get the necessary student documents in minutes.


The guests were also presented the front office of anti-corruption volunteers of the East-Kazakhstan region, which operates on the basis of EKU. The head of the volunteer movement is compliance officer Gulmira Bayerkenova. The facility is a transparent zone effectively controlled by surveillance cameras. According to the schedule, university representatives hold receptions for students and their parents on problematic issues. To assist in the work of the front office, 15 initiative volunteers from among the students have been selected.


-As you can see, our university is actively helping the Anti-Corruption Service to fulfill its goals and objectives,” said compliance officer Gulmira Bayerkenova.


During the conversation with students Dmitry Malakhov shared important information about the activities of the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


– Not everyone knows, but the reward for reporting the fact of corruption is 4000 MRP. If you have encountered such a crime, please report it immediately by calling 1424,” Mr. Malakhov said.


Educated citizens are less prone to corruption offenses, he said. This is another reason to get a decent higher education. Dmitry Malakhov also noted the great role of his alma mater in the development of anti-corruption policy in the region.