20 September 2023


Coursera is one of the leading educational platforms in the world, which provides a unique opportunity for effective online learning. Zaure Sarynova, Head of Distance Technologies Department of S. Amanzholov Kazakh National University, told about it.

In her opinion, the advantage of the platform is the courses and learning materials available in different languages. Including Kazakh.

The introduction of Coursera in Kazakh enriches the educational environment of the country and provides unprecedented opportunities for self-education and professional development.

– Thanks to Coursera, Kazakh students and scientists have access to more than 2,000 courses in various disciplines from the world’s leading universities and organizations. They study according to international standards. In the current academic year, Sarsen Amanzholov EKU received 500 licenses allowing to take courses on the Coursera platform. 50 of them have been translated into Kazakh and Russian languages. Now we have access to more than 10,000 English language courses developed by leading universities around the world,” says Zaure Sarynova.

Certificates from Coursera provide accreditation of knowledge, improve the resume of future specialists and contribute to successful employment.

ЕKU students are very interested in the courses. According to them, Coursera has a positive impact on Kazakhstan’s integration into the global educational community.