26 September 2023



On October 20, 2023 the Department of History of Kazakhstan and Social-Humanitarian Sciences of S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University in order to strengthen national unity and modernization of historical memory holds an international scientific-practical conference “Actual problems of the history of Kazakhstan XVII-XIX centuries: modern approaches and views”.

At the conference it is planned to discuss topical scientific problems in the following directions (sections):

  1. History of Kazakhstan in XVII-XIX centuries: sources and historiography
  2. Political history of Kazakhstan in XVII-XIX centuries
  3. Socio-economic problems of the history of Kazakhstan in XVII-XIX centuries
  4. Features of development of spiritual and material culture of Kazakhstan XVII-XIX centuries
  5. Institute of batyrhood in Kazakh society


Working languages of the conference: Kazakh, Russian, English.

Those wishing to take part in the work of the conference are kindly requested to submit to the organizing committee by October 15, 2023 by e-mail ikafedra@internet.ru:

The application form should contain: full name of the participant (not more than three), position, place of work or study, phone number and e-mail. If necessary: full name of the supervisor (for doctoral and master’s students).

Participants of the conference will be given the opportunity to work online. Video recording of the conference speakers will be published on Youtube channel.

The Proceedings of the conference will be published within a month after the conference. Articles included in the scientific collection are distributed in PDF format and will be published on the university website vku.edu.kz.

Requirements for the publication of the report (article): Article up to 5-7 p. Format – A4; Margins: top and bottom – 2 cm, Left – 3 cm, Right – 1 cm. Font – Times New Roman, Times New Roman KZ or KZ Times New Roman. Font size – 12 pins. Line spacing – single line. Indentation at the beginning of the paragraph – 1, 25 cm. Numbering of footnotes in the text in square brackets (sample: [1, p. 246]), the footnotes themselves should be placed after the text of the report. Do not use electronic footnotes.

Title formatting: ARTICLE TITLE (in capital bold letters, alignment in the center of the line); across the line the author’s surname and initials (alignment in the center); on the next line – the name of the university, city, country (alignment in the center); on the next line – e-mail for contacts (alignment in the center); across one line – the text of the article;

Materials should be submitted in a carefully edited form in compliance with all requirements. The authors are responsible for the scientific content of the papers, their style, grammar and punctuation. The Organizing Committee has the right to reject materials that do not meet the rules of design and the theme of the conference.

Expenses related to the arrival to the conference are at the expense of the participants or the sending party. (Form of the conference: offline and online. Invitations will be sent out by e-mail).

Additional information: Ust-Kamenogorsk city, 30th Guards Division str. 34, VCU named after S. Amanzholov, educational building No.1, Department of History of Kazakhstan and SGD, (335 office). Tel: 8-705-527-16-34 (Kalimoldina Zhanneta Amangeldikyzy), 8-775-969-37-45 (Aubakirova Asem Juniskhanovna) E-mail: ikafedra@internet.ru.