6 November 2023

Competition for the “Tauelsizdik Kurpaktary” grant started

The Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan announces the beginning of the competition for awarding the grant “Tauelsizdik urpaktary”, established by the Head of State.

In 2023, 30 grants of 3 million tenge per grant will be awarded.

The purpose of awarding grants is to provide state support for new and existing initiatives of young people.
and existing initiatives of young people aimed at forming a community of active creative youth.

A citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan may apply for the award of a grant
from fourteen to thirty-five years of age at the time of the deadline for receipt of competitive applications, who has submitted a competitive application for participation in the competition.

Grants are awarded on a competitive basis for realization of new ideas and initiatives to citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 5 directions:

“Science” – for realization of new scientific projects and researches
in priority sectors of science;

Culture” – for implementation of projects aimed at popularization of cultural heritage of Kazakhstan, promotion of folk cultural traditions and art;

Information Technologies” – for realization and development of new IT-solutions and projects, including start-up projects;

Business” – for the realization of new business ideas in priority sectors of the economy;

Media” – for the realization of new media projects, including projects to create informative, useful and interesting content for young people.

Competitive applications are accepted from September 26th to November 26th of this year in electronic form.
till November 26 of the current year in electronic version to the e-mail t.urpaktary2023@gmail.com.

Contact information: 8 (7172) 74-12-78.

Competitive applications are accepted in the state and (or) Russian languages and must contain:

competitive application in the form according to Annex 1;
description of the project in the form according to  Annex 2;
video (not more than 60 seconds) or presentation of the project (not more than 10 slides);
draft cost estimate in the form according to  Annex 3;
information on intellectual property (PDF format), (if available);
copy of identity card or birth certificate (PDF format).