17 November 2023


During four working days, a series of master classes for students of the Department of Psychology and Correctional Pedagogy was held at the S. Amanzholov Higher Educational Institution. The speakers were practicing specialists in inclusive and educational environment. Thus, the last series of master classes were held for future psychologists. Nasikova A.K. and Oraz M. K. told about the work of pedagogical psychologist with RAS children in the conditions of KPPK. Toktybaeva V.T. – about the peculiarities of professional activity of a psychologist in the correctional system. Kuzemko L.P. spoke on the topic “Psychologist of socio-pedagogical sphere: directions of practice and opportunities for development”. Smykalova O.N. – “Features of the work of a psychologist”. Matskevich I.K. – “Psychodynamic diagnostics”. Tulupergeneva R.J. – “Theater of touches”. Stelmakh S.A. – “NLP Line of Time”. Akanova J.M. and Kanapiyanova K.D. – “Hellinger Adisysi boyynsha ishki kaktygysty sheshu zholdary”, Toktarbekova K.T. – “Psychological Triggler” and Esimhanova D.M. on the topic “Multherapy”.

The end of a busy week was the traditional initiation, held on the International Day of Students. During the celebration senior students personally got acquainted with freshmen. Thus, the first-year students of each specialty presented themselves through a speech, video presentation, photo or poem. In turn, senior students prepared an entertaining program – KVN, dance and vocal performances, and shared useful advice on academic performance.