24 November 2023


Akim of the East Kazakhstan region Ermek Kosherbayev visited S. Amanzholov EKU in order to familiarize himself with the scientific activities of the university. During the working visit the head of the region was presented to the commercialization office, STARTUP Academy, STEM-center, research center “Surface Engineering and Tribology” and Scientific National Laboratory of collective use.

The guests of the university were welcomed by Mukhtar Tolegen, Chairman of the Board-Rector of EKU, Irina Rovnyakova, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Scientific Work, as well as the scientific community of the university.

During the meeting Yermek Kosherbayev evaluated the material and technical equipment of the university. In particular, the research center “Surface Engineering and Tribology”, the work of which is aimed at the development of innovative technologies based on resource-saving methods of surface modification and application of protective coatings to improve the wear resistance of friction pairs of critical engineering products.

As well as equipping NNLCP, which develops innovative technologies for mechanical engineering, energy, agricultural industry, chemical and processing industries.

Yermek Kosherbayev paid special attention to two commercialized projects for a total amount of 438,400,000 tenge.

The first project is “Competence Center for psychological and pedagogical training and methodological and technological support of children with special educational needs”. It is interesting from the point of view of applied significance regarding the development of new technical means of rehabilitation and development of children with special educational needs.

The project presents educational and consulting services for the development and socialization of children with disabilities, author’s methodological aids, a professional desk of a psychologist-defectologist, a verticalizer, a desk for children with locomotor disorders.

The second project is called “Commercialization of the technology of production of composite filtering materials for water treatment”. It is aimed at solving the world problem – low quality of fresh water.

According to the head of state Kasym-Jomart Tokayev, by 2050 Kazakhstan may enter the category of countries with acute water deficit. Already now more than 600 thousand people in the country need clean drinking water.

Working on the actual problem, scientists of the university within two years intend to establish production of target materials-sorbents for certain pollutants, which can be adapted to specific cases of enterprises or household environment.

During the tour Yermek Bedelbaevich noted that the university has created favorable conditions for scientific research of the future generation of scientists. Young researcher Nina Zhuravleva presented to the head of the region a scientific project “The use of blue-green algae Spirulina platensis as a biofertilizer for root irrigation of potatoes and fine irrigation”. According to her information, on the basis of phenological observations, a positive reaction of potato plants to fine irrigation and root irrigation with the use of microalgae Spirulina platensis as a fertilizer was established. By the way, such spirulina is grown at home.

In conclusion, Ermek Kosherbayev emphasized the great contribution of his alma mater to the progress of Kazakhstani science.

-Today I have personally convinced that East Kazakhstan University named after S. Amanzholov is a great contribution of the alma mater to the progress of Kazakhstani science. S. Amanzholov is a place where fundamental and applied science is developing. Here are realized perspective scientific projects, which will make a real contribution to the social and economic development of the region and Kazakhstan. VCU has all chances to become a research university, – concluded the akim of the region.