28 November 2023


The annual creative festival “Talents of Freshmen-2023” organized under the slogan “Parasatty el, yerkin urpak” ended with a grandiose gala concert. Earlier, students of Sarsen Amanzholov Higher School of Economics admired the audience with their talents for two days, proudly representing their Higher School. The program of the gala concert included the best numbers selected by members of the competent jury. In particular, the vocal number “Kөzimnң karasy” by the activists of the Higher College, the performance “Alash Kurany” by the Higher School of Business and Law, the poetic performance “Oyan, kazak” by the Higher School of Pedagogy, the plot dance by the Higher School of Pedagogy and the Higher School of IT and Natural Sciences, the patriotic number by the Higher School of IT and Natural Sciences, the vocal composition “Smile” by the Higher School of Humanities, as well as pop dances by representatives of all the Higher Schools.

The talent show attracted a full house of supportive classmates, teachers and parents. Deputy Akim of East Kazakhstan region Darhan Sapanov, Akim of Ust-Kamenogorsk city Zhaksylyk Omar, chairman of regional Maslikhat Denis Rypakov and chairman of city Maslikhat Alexander Svetash became the guests of honor of the student concert. According to the audience, this year freshmen especially conquered them with sparkling humor, sensual vocals and fiery choreography.

-I myself am a graduate of this university, so I am doubly pleased to be here today. I see how my alma mater is flourishing. I wish all students great success and good luck at the concert, – said Deputy Akim of East Kazakhstan region Darhan Sapanov.

– S. Amanzholov Higher Educational Institution is a forge of successful, qualified specialists. Within the walls of this university educate and actively encourage talented children, who become true patriots of the small motherland. I am sure, we will see many of you on the big stage in the future, – said Akim of Ust-Kamenogorsk city Zhaksylyk Omar.

-I am grateful for such an excellent organization and the opportunity to feel the festive atmosphere. “Talents of freshmen” is a symbol of our comprehensive development, respect for traditions and an important part of the educational process, – summarized Rector Mukhtar Tolegen.

Recall, the jury members evaluated the freshmen on the technique and originality of dance numbers, preparation of scenery and costumes, mass, level of artistic reading, as well as the reflection of the main theme.

– Our daily rehearsals were very intense. All these months we have been preparing for such a stormy and positive emotions from the performance. We are glad that the guests appreciated our labor,” shared Inabat Serikkyzyzy, an activist of the Higher College.

The total prize fund amounted to 700,000 tenge and was distributed among four places. The third place was shared by the Higher School of Pedagogy and the Higher College. They won two certificates in the amount of 75,000 tenge. The second place and a certificate worth 100,000 tenge went to the Higher School of IT and Natural Sciences. Honorable first place and 150,000 tenge were won by students of the Higher School of Humanities. The winner of the contest “Talents of Freshmen-2023” became bright activists of the Higher School of Business and Law. They became the deserved owners of the rector’s golden cup and a money certificate in the amount of 250,000 tenge.

In addition, Akim of Ust-Kamenogorsk city Zhaksylyk Omar congratulated the young talents with successful completion of the large-scale concert, and handed the student community of the university a monetary certificate in the amount of 250,000 tenge.