6 December 2023


Researchers of the S. Amanzholov University have developed new methods of teaching preschool children with speech disorders and methodological aids for their parents and teachers. The author of the idea is Rauan Baichinov, a speech therapist-defectologist of the highest qualification category of the university. The team of the scientist offers several types of methodical manuals, which include mnemotechnics cards, speech therapy, speech therapy album, manual for correct pronunciation of sounds and educational books with QR codes for children with stuttering.

It is noteworthy that all materials have been created in Kazakh language. However the scientists have emphasized that the Russian version is not less demanded. Parents and representatives of specialized institutions are already interested in translations of the manuals, which are in active development.
Of the developments proposed by scientists, the most popular is mnemotechnics. It involves working with cards. The child is offered to compose a story according to the scheme in three stages, including qualification structure and tasks.

The scientists of the EKU paid special attention to the correct pronunciation of sounds. As it turned out, in speech therapy practice, violations of sound pronunciation in children 6-7 years old are more common. In particular, substitution, distortion, mixing whistle, humming Indian sound groups. These children need effective, systematic, individual speech therapy. Also developed a manual on therapeutic rhythmics, realized with the help of language, music and physical exercises. It is scientifically proven that logorhythmics has a positive effect on children with various speech disorders, especially during the ligature period.

As part of the large-scale work, the EKU team also prepared a speech therapy album of a set of game exercises. Interesting experimental tasks are selected in the collection. This methodological manual is intended for speech therapists, defectologists, educators, students of defectology faculty and parents.