21 December 2023

Candidate of Biological Sciences Ludmila Fedotova – home front worker, labor veteran passed away.

On December 19, 2023, at the 86th year of life, Ludmila Fedotova, candidate of biological sciences, rear worker, labor veteran, passed away prematurely.
Ludmila Fedotova was born on July 12, 1937 in Artemovsk, Donetsk region (Ukraine). After graduation from the Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov (Almaty), she was an applicant at the Ichthyologic Commission of the USSR, interned at the Faculty of Biology of KazSU. She worked at the Kazakh Research Institute of Ichthyology for 20 years. In 1973 Lyudmila Andreevna defended her thesis “Biological characterization and ways of rational use of carp stocks in Bukhtarma reservoir” at the Academic Council of KazSU. Recommendations, given in the thesis, had implementation, which allowed for 30 years to maintain stable catches of this valuable commercial species. Besides, during her work in the sphere of fishery Lyudmila Fedotova has a lot of achievements on her account. Thanks to her in the reservoirs of East Kazakhstan appeared ripus.
In 1970th years Lyudmila Andreevna passed on competition in Ust-Kamenogorsk pedagogical institute. Her work experience at the university amounted to 40 years, and total – 60 years. She started as a simple teacher, then she became the deputy dean of the natural-geographical faculty, head of the department of theory and methods of elementary education, professor of EKU named after S. Amanzholov.
Ludmila Andreevna considered spiritual and moral development of the younger generation as her main task. In her multifaceted activity Lyudmila Andreevna always strived to help people, was attentive and sensitive to them. She was characterized by the highest erudition and true professionalism, decency and honesty.
Lyudmila Andreevna wrote very heartfelt poems with great love for life, youth, a lot of poems are dedicated to S. Amanzholov Higher Educational Institution, where she worked for many years. Lyudmila Andreevna is the author of more than 80 scientific and journalistic works.
Professional pedagogical work of Lyudmila Andreevna is marked by many awards. In our memory Lyudmila Andreevna will always remain a bright, kind, unusually talented person.
The university staff expresses deep condolences to her family – daughter Tamara and son Igor, who continued the pedagogical dynasty and became teachers. Eternal memory!