29 December 2023


Dear friends, dear compatriots! Please accept my heartiest congratulations on the coming New Year 2024!
Summarizing the results of the passing year 2023, I would like to express my gratitude to every employee, student and alumnus of S. Amanzholov EKU who contributed to the development of our alma mater. Thanks to you EKU has been a leading center of education and science both in the East of Kazakhstan and in Kazakhstan as a whole for more than 70 years.
For these years the university became the leader of higher education in the East of Kazakhstan. Minister of Science and Higher Education Sayasat Nurbek highly appreciated the work of the staff, noting that according to the results of scientific and educational activities, our university is confidently among the leading multidisciplinary universities of Kazakhstan and has great potential to become a research university in the East of Kazakhstan. Akim of East Kazakhstan region E.B. Kosherbayev during his visit to the university. Kosherbayev while visiting the university noted that the university is actively developing and holds a high bar among the universities of the country.
Before the New Year it is accepted to summarize the results of the passing year, 2023 was for the university very effective and fruitful, especially in the field of science.
New achievements were demonstrated by the scientists of the University, they won 26 scientific grants in 2023, thanks to which the University became the leader among scientific organizations by the number of grants. Discoveries and developments of the University were among the most memorable scientific events of the outgoing year according to a number of authoritative sources and the great attention to the projects of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Among other important results is the increase in funding of science up to three billion tenge, which speaks of the high potential of scientists of the university. All together this year we honored new PhD doctors of our university and rejoiced for the success of young scientists and teachers.
The university became the initiator and organizer of many republican scientific events, also acted as a platform for international forums and conferences.
This year our university was visited by the heads of the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, prominent politicians, statesmen, scientists, cultural figures and artists.
New achievements were demonstrated by our students, young scientists and teachers, who became winners of numerous intellectual and creative competitions. Our sportsmen were also active and successful.
Traditionally, the outgoing year was filled with impressive achievements. The University continued to actively develop international partnerships.
Practice-oriented university, actively develops cooperation with industrial partners. Over the past period, a number of agreements and contracts were signed. And here the main result of the year 2023 was the conclusion of an agreement with Italian universities and the University of Genoa to open an Italian cultural center and a branch in S. Amanzholov VCU. The second important event is the signing of a memorandum to open an R&D center of the Chinese company Haier Haitech.
In 2023 we have significantly advanced in the direction of improving the material base: current repairs of buildings were carried out, reconstructed lecture hall 430 was put into operation, scientific laboratories were renewed. All these successes demonstrate the correctness of the course chosen by the university for changes in the field of training specialists capable of changing the future, conducting advanced research and development.
Entering 2024, we set ourselves new ambitious goals, outline immediate and distant plans, share our hopes for the future. In 2024, I would like to wish everyone, first of all, good health! May the New Year bring stability and prosperity, new joyful events, realization of postponed and therefore even more valuable wishes and plans. May all dreams and hopes come true, and peace and harmony reign in the family.