26 January 2024


Modern youth lives in the conditions of dynamic development of society. The existing reality imposes its requirements to future specialists in any sphere of activity.

Today, one of the main and acute problems for young people is the choice of profession. After all, it is on professional self-determination depends on what path they will follow and realize their ambitions. Rapidly changing conditions of the labor market lead to the fact that most graduates do not have a clear life prospect. Young people have almost no information about many new professions.

So, where to go to study, what profession to choose? We addressed these urgent questions for young people to the representatives of the Higher College of Higher Education named after Sarsen Amanzholov, which for many years has been conducting professional training in a wide range of professions in demand in the labor market.

As the director of the college Bibigul Tolegenova told, the college is enrolling both humanitarian and technical specialties on a full-time basis.

– Our college also trains applied bachelors on the basis of general secondary education in various directions, – informed Bibigul Tolegenova. – Applied bachelors after graduation from the college have the opportunity to continue their education in S. Amanzholov Higher School of Economics in a shortened form (term of study 2 years), as well as receive a discount in tuition fees.

Moreover, according to the head of the Higher College, the university cooperates with the leading enterprises of VKO and Abay region, as well as with the Police Department of VKO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan on training personnel for law enforcement agencies. The college provides social support for individual applicants.

During their studies at the college, students receive not only good knowledge, but also a great number of impressions. They actively participate in such events as Dedication to Students, Freshman Talents, Sports events, beauty contest “Miss VCU”, the famous competition of faculties “Student Spring”, dance competition “Zhuldyzdy Battle” held in the college and university. They also take part in city, regional and national contests and competitions. Also in college there are various sports sections: soccer, volleyball, boxing, chess, togyzkumalak and others.

Employment in the Higher College of Higher Education named after S. Amanzholov is 95 percent.

Information about the college can be found on the college website: https://amanjolov_jogarykolledji and on pages in Instagram: VK_VKGU, VKontakte: vk__vkgu, Facebook: http://fb.me/college.vkgu phones: 8-777-961-11-12, 8-771-670-53-89