31 January 2024


S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University is again in the leaders of the rating of educational programs of higher education institutions from the National Institute of Higher Education ” Itameken”. Every year the organization conducts a ranking of educational programs, where the main evaluation indicators are career prospects and competitiveness of graduates. According to the results of 2023, 11 educational programs of Amanzholov University were included in the top-3 and 26 EPs in the top-10 in the republic.

1 place:

6B01511 Mathematics-Informatics.

6B01508 Mathematics-Physics

6В01402 Vocational training, art labor and graphics

6B01505 Biology

2nd place:

6B01403 Elementary Military Training

6B01509 Physics-Informatics

6B01501 Informatics

6B01510 Geography-History

6B01601 History (Education)

6B01703 Foreign Language: two foreign languages

3 place:

6B01704 Kazakh language and literature in non-Kazakh language schools.