8 February 2024


Aida Zhailaubaeva, a student of S. Amanzholov EKU became the owner of the medal “Best Student 2024” of the Commonwealth of Independent States for the contribution to the development of science and education and a diploma of II – degree. The competition was organized by the Association of Legal Entities in the form of an association “Nationwide Movement Böbek”.
She is a 4th year student of History. Since the first year Aida has been taking part in various Olympiads, competitions and conferences on a regular basis. In early December, she applied for participation in the contest “Best Student of the CIS – 2024”.

According to Aida Zhailaubaeva, to participate in this competition, she had to write her autobiography and achievements in science, art or sports. At that time she had a portfolio with various diplomas, certificates, publications of scientific articles in different publishing houses. Having sent her portfolio, she waited for the results of the competition. In January she received a congratulatory letter and an invitation to the awarding. This is how our student became the “Best Student of the CIS – 2024”.

– I was pleasantly surprised, – the girl shares her impressions. – The awarding ceremony was held in Astana. All the winners of the competition were awarded badges “The Best Student of CIS – 2024”, certificates, certificates and memorable journals with autobiographies. I am very happy to have received such an award. I am sure that my achievements will help me in forming a successful career and will stimulate me to new victories.

After finishing the 4th year, Aida plans to enter the master’s program. Therefore, such awards will help her to further improve her professional activity, as well as to engage in scientific activities.

She believes that thanks to personal initiative, support of close people and teachers, support of the university, it is possible to achieve any heights and achievements. It is enough to have a certain goal and desire.