12 February 2024

Announcement on the beginning of the competition for the Uvaliev Y.K. Scholarship.

Amanzholov University announces the beginning of applications for the competition for the Uvaliev Y.K. Scholarship.
This Scholarship is aimed at stimulating students to academic, scientific, social activities of the University, as well as perpetuating the memory of Yumash Karimovich Uvaliev – an outstanding teacher, scientist, honorary rector of East Kazakhstan Amanzholov University.
What is a Scholarship?
Scholarship is a monetary payment of 35.000 (thirty-five thousand) tenge monthly for 1 (one) semester during one academic year by transferring to the bank account only for valid students of the University.
Who can participate?
Applicants for the personal Scholarship can be students of 2-4 courses of all undergraduate specialties of NAO “Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University” who meet the following requirements:
– GPA above 3.5 for the current year of study (data should be confirmed by a copy of the credit book or transcript);
– active participation in research activities of the University (scientific projects, scientific and technical conferences, competitions, Olympiads, articles, etc.). It is necessary to provide copies of supporting documents, list and reprints of published scientific works;
– at appointment of the scholarship named after Uvaliev Y.K. the selection of applicants is carried out in the order of following the above criteria, the advantage is given to research activities.
– In case of equal conditions the following persons have an advantage: orphans and children left without parental care; disabled persons from childhood.
What data are required to participate in the contest?
To participate in the Scholarship competition, applicants must submit the following package of documents (in Kazakh or Russian):
– Student’s application in the form of F P VKU 049-20-01 (Annex 1) to be filled out by the applicant himself/herself in Kazakh or Russian;
– copy of identity card;
– transcript;
– characterization from the head of the department in Kazakh or Russian;
– introduction to the student from the Dean of the Higher School in Kazakh or Russian;
– questionnaire of the participant of the competition for awarding the scholarship named after Uvaliev Y.K. in the form F P 049-20-02 (Annex 2) should be filled in by the applicant in Kazakh or Russian language.
Where to submit documents and deadlines?
Applications and documents should be submitted in hard copy to the Department of Science and Commercialization of Scientific Projects by March 10, 2023. Applications submitted later than this deadline are not eligible for participation in the competition and will not be accepted.
For all questions concerning the preparation of documents and participation in this competition, you can contact the Department of Science and Commercialization of Scientific Projects (55, Kazakhstan St., study building № 5 office 103) or to the responsible for research work in the departments of the University.