14 February 2024


The history of the university library begins in 1952. Today it is the largest university library in East Kazakhstan with a collection of over 1 million copies. Here are kept editions of scientific, educational, art literature in Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages, book and electronic collections, unique rare books of XVIII – XIX centuries.

As the acting director of the library Gulnaz Shaiken told, the fund of the library unites a large number of editions of educational, scientific, art, reference literature. It includes periodicals, electronic editions, books in foreign languages. There are about 13 thousand rare domestic and foreign editions of XVIII-beginning of XX centuries in the collection.

– The gems of the library are “Russian-Kirghiz and Kirghiz-Russian dictionary” compiled by Ish-Muhammed Bukin and Semen Remezov’s outstanding work “Drawing Book of Siberia”, included in the National Register of Documentary Heritage “Memory of the World”, – shared Gulnaz Shaiken.

According to the library staff, users have access to scientific journals in printed and electronic form, electronic textbooks, manuals, monographs, virtual reading room, electronic versions of regulatory documents and many other resources.

The whole process of processing and searching of library documents is automated. There is an opportunity to use the information bank of electronic educational means of the university, including electronic versions of educational, teaching aids, lectures. Access to international and national resources is provided.

By the level of automation of library and bibliographic processes the library of EKU takes the leading place in East Kazakhstan. The scientific library entered the history of websites of Kazakhstan as one of the first to place its electronic catalog in the Internet.

– The fact that no event is held without its participation and without its books speaks about the current place of the library in the life of the university, – the librarians of the university proudly note.

The high level of the library and its international recognition is confirmed by IFLA certificates, numerous diplomas and certificates for the quality of service to readers, organization of work and introduction of new technologies.