20 February 2024


In the psychological service of the University, students can apply to the qualified psychologist Aiym Kenzhebaeva on various issues.
For example, problems of adaptation, insecurity, interpersonal relations, family problems, relations with parents, problems of self-discovery and personal growth, psychological support in preparation for the exam, overcoming stress, conflict situations.

The psychologist is provided with a bright and warm personal office. It is provided with technical equipment and arranged for work with students. The room meets all the requirements for diagnostic, correctional and relaxation work.
All references to the psychologist are confidential and anonymous.

– The psychologist does not give advice, because he knows that every person becomes psychologically mature when he learns to make his own decisions and take responsibility for his life, – Aiym Kenzhebaeva explains. – A specialist can give recommendations based on scientific knowledge and will support his client in making decisions.

Psychologist consultations are conducted both in the office and remotely. Remote consultations are conducted by appointment.
Information on how to make an appointment for a consultation with the Psychological Service is available on the WKU website in the “Students” section.