23 February 2024


The delegation of SDU University visited S. Amanzholov EKU. In particular, the Rector Alimzhan Igenbaev, Vice-Rector for Scientific Research Maksat Kalybek, Head of the Rector’s Office Dias Zhumadilov, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Ramis Ahmedov, Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Humanities Zhainagul Duysebekova, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences Madiyar Saudbaev and Director of the Center for Multidisciplinary Education Asem Kuanyshbaeva. The purpose of the visit was to sign an agreement between the universities, which implies joint scientific and academic work, as well as the exchange of students and faculty.
– S. Amanzholov EKU holds leading positions in many national and international rankings. We actively cooperate with the best universities of the country and the world as a whole. I am sure that today’s agreement between EKU and SDU is a new wave of victories, a new stage of development for the two universities, – said the rector of EKU Mukhtar Tolegen.

After the signing ceremony, the guests of the alma mater were presented the Center for Continuous and Inclusive Education “Dana Bala”: laboratories of sensory integration, hardware psychodiagnostics and psychocorrection, speech therapy room, STEAM, chess and robotics rooms. During the tour, the Dean of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of SDU Madiyar Saudbaev experienced Biofeedback therapy and Tomatis therapy. The delegation noted the excellent equipment of the center, which allows students of the SDU to gain rich practical experience in working with special children before graduation.

Recall, the Center for Continuous and Inclusive Education “Dana Bala” – a unique facility in the region. Today there are about 160,000 children with special educational needs in Kazakhstan. More than 10% of them live in the East Kazakhstan region.

The excursion continued at the Research Center “Surface Engineering and Tribology” and the National Scientific Laboratory of Collective Use. Scientific workers of the alma mater presented to the guests the project of composite filtering materials for purification of water objects, smart drone with multispectral camera for farmers, verticalizer for children with locomotor apparatus disorders and others.

– S. Amanzholov EKU has a multifaceted history, traditions and many years of experience, – emphasized Alimzhan Igenbaev. – The University makes a great contribution to the development of agriculture, industry and other sectors of economy not only in the region, but also in the country. Today we have familiarized ourselves with the scientific potential, experience and works of the prestigious university. I am sure our partnership will be fruitful.