27 February 2024


Friends, in an actively changing modern world, the labor market is changing just as fast. Some professions emerge and become popular, other specialties turn out to be less in demand and become a thing of the past. In order to always keep abreast of developments, several years ago the state introduced the Atlas of New Professions.
It is a guide for those who strive for success in today’s world, where technological advances and social changes are constantly reshaping the workplace.
In addition, the Atlas plays an important role in the development of educational programs adapted to the requirements of the future labor market. This innovative tool helps educational institutions, in particular S. Amanzholov EKU, to build a strategy for training specialists based on relevant and advanced tasks.
If we outline the most popular competencies of the future, these are 5 leading trends: introduction of robots and smart systems, digitalization, depletion of natural reserves of raw materials, strengthening of environmental standards and development of recycling, changes in consumer preferences of the population.
Based on the content information of the Atlas of New Professions, our university tries to implement new educational programs taking into account the benefits for the region and the country as a whole. For example, one of the most unique and significant educational programs for the East is “Hydroecology, Management and Transboundary Water Security”. As we know, the government of the country has put the issue of solving problems related to water supply, water security, pollution of water resources and reduction of biodiversity of flora and fauna of water bodies on the agenda. And since most of the territory of the republic is a semi-desert zone, training of future specialists in this field is becoming increasingly important.
The main objective of the new OP is to train qualified specialists able to deal with water security, modernize the system of water consumption through the use of new digital technologies, integrate GIS-technologies and implement modern methods of chemical analysis.
No less important is the issue of staff shortage in pedagogy. This is especially true for pedagogy in an inclusive environment, because today in Kazakhstan there are about 160,000 children with special educational needs. More than 10% of them live in the East Kazakhstan region.
Taking into account these and other nuances, the university implements innovative OPs: “Early Support Pedagogue” and “Ergopedagogue”. Newly graduated specialists after graduation can work in pre-school educational organizations, in the offices of psychological and pedagogical correction, in rehabilitation and medical centers, polyclinics and Children’s homes. Employment is guaranteed.
It should be noted that not so long ago the project “Mamandygym-Bolashagym” was launched in EKU, the main purpose of which is to forecast changes in the labor market in the region and early professional orientation of students. Realization of this project in our alma mater is an additional support for graduates before the new stage of life.
In general, specialists in mining, transportation, education, medicine and ecology will always be relevant for our region. I believe that the future generation has every opportunity to get a decent higher education in their small homeland for its further development.