28 February 2024


The reading platform “Majestic Kypchak” dedicated to the 800th anniversary of the Ulus Dzhuchi was held in EKU. The event was organized jointly with the East Kazakhstan Regional Children and Youth Library.

– Our main goal is to tell the younger generation about Dzhuchi Khan and explain to them the political and economic situation of the Golden Horde,” said Adil Auezkhan, an employee of the library.

During the event, an exhibition of unique books about the great historical personage was held. In addition, students of OP “History” Alisher Kumar, Sabyrzhan Samatuly, Aigerim Isatay made author’s reports, in which they touched upon legends and tales, the system of state administration in the Golden Horde and the role of religion during the heyday of the largest state of the Middle Ages.

According to Senor Lecturer of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines Kuralay Zhirendinova, such an event fosters in young people an interest in books, history and new knowledge.